forum JJBA RP (1/1)
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Deleted user

"I'm also assuming you have a Stand too?" She said, posing menacingly

@requiemisback language

Kai and Koi both nodded, and Kai stood silent for a second. Suddenly, Kai yelled, "Crystal Castles!" The Stand activated and Koi exhaled. The Stand had the appearance of a pair of siamese twins, but they were purple and goopy. On the Stand's left, the top of its head had a checkerboard-like pattern. On the right side, the pattern resembled more of a harlequin pattern.

Deleted user

Duo's Stand looked like a black and white Grim Reaper.
"Coolio! Wait, I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Duality Joestar!"

@requiemisback language

Kai's face remained blank, but Koi suddenly jumped out from behind Kai, all smiles and giggles. "Nice to meet ya! I'm Koi Mizuki, and this is my brother, Kai!" Koi exclaimed, followed by Kai glaring at him. Koi looked back at Kai. "I can introduce myself, bro…" Kai grumbled, and Koi laughed. "Sorry, I just thought you weren't gonna say anything!" Koi replied.

@requiemisback language

"It can control crystals it senses underground," Kai replied blankly. Koi nodded in agreement. "The left half does the scan of the area, and if there are any crystals hidden underground, the right half will take control and rise them from the ground. The distance the crystals can rise up depends on the size of the crystals themselves. The smaller the crystal, the lower the range gets," Koi added.

Deleted user

"Interesting… My Stand controls Truth, if that makes sense?"

Deleted user

"Niceu! Say, you want some tea? I made some, and it's at my apartment."

@requiemisback language

Kai and Koi followed closely behind Duality. Koi still seemed very excited, and he eventually hopped onto Kai's back. "Ack- bro! Chill out-" Kai said, struggling to keep his balance. "I refuse!" Koi responded, laughing cheekily.

Deleted user

She went and got the tea. She poured an glasd for the two of them.

@requiemisback language

Kai and Koi unlinked their hands, and they both waited patiently until the tea came. They looked at each other again, and Koi smiled brightly at Kai. Kai then whispered something in Koi's ear, and Koi waited for Kai to pull back before blowing a raspberry at him. "Kai, be nice!" Koi exclaimed, followed by him gently punching Kai in the arm.

@requiemisback language

Kai and Koi looked at Duality, and Koi nodded. "I'll go first- Ehm,,, I dunno where to start actually," Koi said. "What about you, Kai?" Kai shook his head. "Nope. I got nothing," Kai replied.

@requiemisback language

Kai and Koi nodded. "Well, we grew up in several foster homes," Kai began, letting Koi add on. "Eventually, we were adopted by two seemingly nice ladies. They had this religious group of some sort, uh, I forgot the exact term for it…" Koi said, then began trailing off. "Cult. It was a cult," Kai chimed back in. "I don't remember the name, but I know for a fact it was a cult. We eventually decided to leave, or at least… I decided we were gonna leave. Now we're just living on the streets," Kai finished, then pat Koi on the head. Koi's head was hung low, and he leaned against Kai.

Deleted user

"What made you decide to leave said cult?" She asked. "That is, if I can ask."

@requiemisback language

Kai exhaled quietly. "Every night, we heard screams. Not like those of an animal… But those of a person. We went into their basement and we encountered their, ehm… 'sacrifices.' Once we saw those bodies, I knew I had to do something. So I took Koi with me, and we ran away," Kai said, softspokenly.