forum How to train your Dragon RP {2 spots open}
Started by @Lavy-the-Nerdy-Sci-Fi-Birdy

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Name: Alexandria (Alex) Labelle
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: pale skin, long brown hair that's usually tied up or kept in two tight braids that go down to her hips, dark green eyes, light freckles on her face, very tall, broad shoulders, defined muscle but she's slender, not really buff
Attire: worn leather braces that go up to her elbows, faded blue cloth tunic that's a little torn and shredded at the bottom, leather vest that stops at her belly button and is thick/heavily armored at the chest, leather shoulder pads, long faded blue cloth skirt, brown belt tied around the hips, dark brown leggings, thick leather fur boots that almost go up to her knees, very large fur hood
Personality: logical, intelligent, a little snappy, sarcastic, doesn't let her emotions show too often, if she gets too worked up or upset she'll take off on her dragon without warning, is actually a huge softie on the inside, loves dancing and if you're lucky you might catch her humming her favorite songs,
Other: Fights with a two-handed broadsword and is very good with it, it's more like an extension of her arm

Dragon: Stormcutter
Dragon's name: Hellfire
Appearance: extremely large four wings, eyes are wide and bright yellow, long and thin tail, a lot of orange and grayish coloring on the horns, back, and top of the wings, with dull blue coloring on the underbelly and underside of wings
Personality: despite his name, he is a very sweet dragon that's extremely loyal and protective. He's very young and kind of acts like an excited puppy, but when things get serious he will fight to the death to protect Alex, who would do the same for Hellfire.