forum Hogwarts RP (OPEN)
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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(Yeet thx
Name: Maddox Fraust
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Year: 4th
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Looks: Medium length fluffy brown hair, Hazel eyes, Smol (5'1") and thin (about 90-95 pounds at the most), Heart shaped head (when the top part is wider and the chin tapers…)
Personality: INTP, Very quiet but highly intelligent/logical, Kinda scared of other people tbh, Spends more time with books and animals than people, Anxious, Loves to soak in as much information as possible and is known to quote textbooks, Never shares personal information/distrustful
Flaws: Overly anxious, Scared of people/terrible at socializing, Very cautious and spends a lot of time considering a decision before doing it (which often results in the moment having passed by the time he makes a decision), Not very good with empathy or sympathy tbh
Talents: Highly intelligent/logical, Can solve problems that are logic based, Almost photographic memory that allows him to retain a lot of info, Good with animals, Very ambitious
Hobbies: Reading, Drawing, Chilling with animals, Practicing spells beyond his years to please his teachers
Patronus: Wolf
Boggart: Fire
One Random Fact: Can produce corporeal patronus
Other: Hecking straight, Wears contact lenses so technically he owns glasses?? Wand is blackthorn, dragon heartstring core, 9 3/4 inches, unyielding flexibility. Fascinated by animagi and is currently trying to figure out how to become one)


(I mean, fears would have some backstory bc all fears have some root in the past where it came from)



Name: Luena Wynne
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Year: 5
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Looks: Dark brown hair; shoulder length. Her hair is almost always down. Her eyes are mint-green, with the slightest flecks of blue if you look closely.
Personality: Reserved to most people. But with her friends, she is the most outspoken. A smart-ass. Stubborn as hell.
Flaws: Stubborn as hell. Almost to the point of a Gryffindor.
Talents: Arguing. She is very, very persuasive. She can also sing, but the last person to point it out was sent to the hospital wing.
Hobbies: Whittling, reading, doing logic puzzles
Patronus: A raven
Bogart: A mirror
One Random Fact: She is pure-blooded, but was adopted by a muggle family, so she believes she is a muggle-born.
Other: (Sexuality: Questioning.) Prides herself as being an 'Ice Queen.' Has a retort to just about anything you could possibly say.