forum Hetalia One-one-One (2p America x 1p America) (CLOSED)
Started by @CWPoofToxicRush

people_alt 2 followers


Allen and Alfred are roommates, unaware of two things about each other:
1) They both have a massive crush on each other and
2) They are both nations and each other's counterparts.


Allen walked back into his shared apartment from another chaotic meeting. "Goddamn…" He muttered, closing the door behind him before smiling slightly. "Honey, I'm home!" He yelled jokingly to his roommate, wherever he was at the moment.


Alfred perks, hearing the other enter. Currently he was munching on a burger happily, which he quickly shoved into his mouth. He knew that Allen was a vegan so he didn't want to offend the other. He downs it with some Dr. pepper before walking out. "Sup dude!" He says excitedly.


Alfred flops on to the couch majestically. "Do tell." He says excitedly. He always loved a good story. He pats the seat beside him, a wide smile on his face.


He sat next to him. "Okay, so you know that British guy, Oliver, the one I used to live with? Okay so he was shaking people down for swear jar money, as usually, when suddenly, some teenage girl who was outside the door over heard and just screamed every profanity know to man. On top of that, we had no clue she was there before this, she was switching between English, German, and Spanish easily, and when Oliver tried to make her pay, she just cursed him out more. So Oliver got pissed and went into lecture mode, and stared yelling about how unladylike it was to swear, and was being a huge dick about it. Like, childishly dickish. And this girl." he stopped, laughing a bit. "Who is basically what I aspire to be in life. Literally kicked him in the nuts, and sprinted off yelling 'Te veo follando después, Ficker!'" He said, dissolving into full on laughter, throwing his head back


Alfred was trying his hardest not to laugh during the story. His bit his tongue, laughing softly then bursting out laughing when the other laughed aloud. "Oh my God! That's brilliant!" He giggles loudly.


Alfred releases a sigh. "Oh thank God." He perks. "You're never gonna guess what Matthew did today. You know my brother right? Shy, quiet, kind of invisible?" He says, sitting on his knees.


"So this large Cuban dude was totally cusiing him out, and I was busy talking with a friend of mine, and then I hear this really loud voice 'FUCK OFF YOU PIECE OF SHIT' I look back and Mattie is just hovering over the dude. Lovino and Feliciano started screaming. Ludwig had to carry the two off since they were causing such a ruckus."