forum He's Fast, She's Weird [Private One-on-One] (@TurtleofFreedom)
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

Name: Evangeline Avewing
Nicknames: Evie or Angel. Usually Evie
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Personality Type: self-conscious of everything that she does, judges herself harshly, low self-esteem, shy
Appearance: shoulder length, "chocolate milk colored" hair, wide golden eyes
Clothes: Casual: and
Marks: Scars on her wrists
Skills: Telekinesis, reading people's thoughts
Other: Used to wear glasses, but doesn't anymore


Name: Pietro (I’ll check last name later)
Nicknames: Pietro, Turbo (by his sis if thats ok)
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Personality Type: outgoing, doesn’t shy away from a challenge, protective of Evie at all costs
Appearance: well i cant imagine him as anything other than Pietro but I guess black hair, blue eyes, tan-ish skin, no freckles
Clothes: Casual:
Marks: cuts on his legs from running through stuff
Skills: increased metabolism, improved thermal homeostasis (he’s fast)
Other: um

Deleted user

If you want to, you can. I'm really indecisive.


My mum has limited my electronics use to 1 hour per day
As a result I will be on for less than an hour total each day
Because heaven forbid I actually use my full hour
Feel free to post a start
I’ll catch up :)

Deleted user


Evie stared at the screen of her phone. He's supposed to call… he's supPOSED to call… why is he not calling… HE IS SUPPOSED TO CALL!


//me right

Pietro picked up his phone, juggled it for a few seconds, and hit the speed-dial number that just so happened to belong to his sister. “Hello, Eve. You redoing makeup?”

Deleted user


"Makeup? No, I'm-" She paused to narrow her eyes before speaking again. "You forgot. Didn't you?"