forum ENCOM OS-12 | OxO | Closed unless you're a fellow Program/User/ISO | Stalkers get a free Light Runner
Started by @murphysgirl

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@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Cor stood at the front door, a little nervous as he always was on exploits like this. Though he usually preferred fighting the Black Guard rather than a gang. Even the most organized gang was more chaotic than the regimented strictness of reprogrammed fighters. He left his disc holstered as he let out a slow breath and pushed open the doors.


"To follow or not to follow," Nora muttered to herself.
Yes, Bit said, whizzing once around her head.
"Shh!" she said, trying to shove Bit into the shadows.

The programs, who had been chatting, turned to Cor. The purple-haired program's eyes narrowed, and she took her disc from her back.
"Asta, put the disc down," said the mohawk guy roughly. "What are you doing here, program?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Cor gave a cocky yet dangerous smirk at the question. "Looking for a couple of rouges who don't care who they hurt when they take something that doesn't belong to them." he answered in a rougher, deeper tone of voice than his normal one. He fearlessly walked inside and shut the doors behind him, walking with a grace that only the best security programs used.


"He's going to get himself killed," Nora said softly.
Yes, Bit said, bouncing up and down.
Nora bit her lip. To go in or not to go in? If this guy was a pro, she'd leave it to him, and yet she'd never seen, or heard, of him before.
I'll wait, she decided.

"Belong to us?" the mohawk guy said, exchanging smirks with his fellow programs. "The whole Grid belongs to us."
"We weren't gonna do anything with it anyway," said Asta, picking up the disc and tossing it at him. "What's a little bit of harmless fun?"

(They corrupted the code in the disc)

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Cor's scowl deepened at their careless attitude as he caught the disc. “You call this harmless… Tell that to the program you took this from. She probably doesn't remember much about herself now.” he growled before accessing the information to make sure it was the right one. “You’re lucky I don't take your discs and break them to show you what it feels like.”

(Ok. I’ll work that in my next reply.)


"I'd like to see you try," said Asta with a smirk.
"Don't," mohawk guy said, putting a restraining hand on her arm (she scowled and jerked away). "Be on your way, now, whoever you are, or we won't be so kind."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Cor nodded slightly, more to himself as he skimmed over the information on Aya’s disc. “You know… I don't think I will. For Iris members, you act like amateurs.” he pointed out smirking. “You didn't mean any harm? What’d you use? A code worm? I've been doing this for a while so you lucked out.” he warned, scowling dangerously at them as his grip on Aya’s disc changed slightly.


"Hm," said Asta with a sardonic smile. "Maybe you did. Now get out."

Nora, meanwhile, was still debating whether or not to go in. She hadn't heard anything, so that either meant the other vigilante had been derezzed on the spot… or that he'd derezzed them on the spot. The possibility of a negotiation didn't even cross her mind.
"Should I go in, Bit?" she whispered.
Bit zipped around uncertainly, then flashed red. No.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Cor was unaffected by the woman's smile though the idea of smacking the pair around was getting more appealing. “Fair warning, I won’t hesitate to hit a woman.” he said plainly. It just didn't feel right to simply walk away without teaching these guys a lesson, even though he already had the disc.


"Oh? Is that so? Because I wouldn't hesitate to hit you." She held up her disc.
"This is your last warning, program," the mohawk guy said roughly. "Get out."


"You asked for it," said Asta with a smirk, and the programs threw their discs in perfect sync, both of them arcing smoothly towards him.


Mohawk guy caught the disc easily, twirling it around his finger. "Looks like we get two for the price of one, eh Asta?"
Asta nodded, catching her own disk and hurling it at the vigilante.

Nora, meanwhile, had heard shouting. With a sigh, she got up and stepped out of the shadows. "Bit, stay here."
Yes, Bit said, zipping around in a circle.
Nora slipped into the warehouse. Her helmet both hid her face and distorted her voice. When she saw the discless vigilante, she almost smirked.
"All right, you two, enough with the games," she said coldly. "Hand over the disc."


"Okay, guess we're doing this the hard way," Nora muttered under her breath, slipping her staff baton off of her leg and rezzing it in, charging after her fellow vigilante after the two. Asta hurled her disc at Nora, but Nora batted it aside with her staff; Asta then threw the vigilante's disc at Nora, which she caught with her staff before tossing it at its owner.
"Don't be so careless next time," she muttered, dodging the mohawk guy's disc.
(I'm wearing my Flynn's Arcade T-shirt today :D)

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Cor was slightly taken aback by the appearance of another fighter but nodded gratefully as his disc was returned. “Thanks.” he replied simply before looking at their opponents. “Think you can handle him? I got a bit of a score to settle with Asta over there.” he asked.



"Think you can handle her?" Nora said acidly, barrelling towards mohawk guy, brandishing her staff. He dodged it artfully, but Nora was ready for that: she vaulted sideways off of a shipping container, catching mohawk guy's thrown disc on her staff and landing on him, throwing him onto his back. They skidded a few feet before coming to a stop; Nora slammed her staff onto his chest, code crackling across his body. His eyes rolled up into his head and he passed out, the lights on his suit dimming.
Asta, meanwhile, having decided that a disc was no good, took a leaf out of Nora's book and vaulted off of a shipping container, lunging at the vigilante, a guttural cry escaping from her mouth.


Asta grabbed his arm, using their opposite momentums to flip him over, but landed awkwardly and stumbled, taking a few moments to regain her balance.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Cor grunted as he was flipped but used the momentum to roll back onto his feet. Maybe he was a little out of practice… but he wasn't about to give up on this fight. He let out a low growl as he charged her again, throwing his disc at her.


Asta blocked his disc with her own and sidestepped his attack, but she hadn't fully gotten her balance back yet and tripped on her own high heels, toppling to the ground. With a growl, she started to get back up again.
Nora, meanwhile, was watching them fight, vaguely amused. She had decided only to intervene if one of them was in danger of being derezzed.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Cor slid to a stop when Asta dodged and turned to face her, almost laughing a little when she fell. “I’ll never understand why women wear shoes like that.” he smirked, placing his foot on her shoulder to hold her down as he went to land a punch to knock her out.


It landed solidly; with a soft groan, Asta was out cold. Nora was impressed, rather against her will, but she refused to let it show.
"So am I getting the Black Guard or are you?" she said flatly, rezzing in a pair of handcuffs and bending over the unconscious mohawk guy.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Cor shrugged nonchalantly as he picked up his disc and re-holstered it. “Go ahead. The Black Guard and I don't exactly get along.” he said with a rueful chuckle before he gave Asta back her disc and carried her over towards her partner.