forum Descendants // One-On-One // CLOSED
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IDK what the proper plot would be, but I guess this is a Disney Descendants romance RP?
If someone joins, I'll post a template.

Deleted user



Name: Princess Ariana
Parent/s: Queen Ariel and King Eric
Age: 17
Gender: female
Sexuality: pan
Appearance: rose gold hair that goes down her midback, blue eyes, pail skin, weighs 120 pounds, height 5'6", when a mermaid has a light real tail
Style: cute, girly girl, likes skirts and dresses but also wears pants occasionally, loves high heels and shoes in general, has a huge bikini top collection
Personality: curious, adventurous, optimistic, bubbly
Likes: water, adventure, talking, singing, music in general, shoes
Dislikes: rules, seafood, not being able to talk, complete quietness
Power/s: turning into a mermaid and back into a human, talking to animals from the water
Background: she lives in a castle on the off the water and she visits her mer-family a lot.
Other: she had an older sister Melody, she has her own pet lobster - Sebation's son - Sam,

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Name: Luisa Nunez. She was named after her late great-grandmother
Parent/s: Queen Elena and King Gabe
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Secretly lesbian
Appearance: Light brown skin that matchs her mother's more than her father's; Extremely green eyes that is unknown where she inherited them from; Dark brown amkle length hair that is typically in a long braid.
Style: Things that she would be able to fight in. She's learnt from a young age to fight in all types of high heels. She wears dark red jeans, red wedges and a red peasant top with paisley print. Has a rusty red scabbard to hold her sword (
Personality: Smart, heroic, slightly sassy, protective, loyal, understanding, brave, a leader, takes charge when needed, adventurous
Likes: Swords, sword fighting, her family, her kingdom, magic, guitar, singing, dancing, sailing, science thanks to her Aunt Isa
Dislikes: Sometimes her family, how oblivious Raelyn and Asher (her friends who are obviously in love but can't see it) are
Power/s: Like her mother, she can see spirits but only on Día de Muertos. However, if she is desperate to see someone, they might appear. She is also learning magic from her Uncle Mateo and has her own tamborite.
Background: When she was born, her parents were on a voyage. Elena insisted on not letting her prenany stop her. As it was a really long trip, Luisa was 3 when they arrived home. She learnt how to be a princess, how to be a warrior and how to be a leader.
Other: She has 2 sets of twin siblings (One set is bxb and 12, other is gxb and 7). She also has a little sister who is 3.
She knows that Gabe is her father but sees how Mateo and Elena interract as well so she's not entirely sure.
She has a jaquin named Ciela (

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(sorry, yes. I've been really busy lately)
Luisa flew over Ariana's head on Ciela.

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"It is not. If anything to do with water is better than flying, it's sailing.

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"Because I'd rather sail to new places," Luisa replied, sliding of Ciela's back.