forum Another Supernatural RP! (2/4 for now, but one more person is welcome to join)
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

SAM: [Hurt puppy-dog look] "Unfortunately yes."

JESSI: "I…." [Gets chocked up.] "That explains why you, the FBI I mean, are here." [Recomposes herself as much as she can.] "I'm assuming that there're other things that you'd like to ask."

DEAN: "Right you are, Miss Porter…. Just a few more questions then you can get some well needed rest. To your knowledge, was Miss Stone doing any volunteer work?"

JESSI: [Chuckles.] "Nadia doing volunteer work. Yeah, she occasionally gives a free meal to some of the hobos even though she's secretly terrified of them."

DEAN: "I see."

SAM: "I apologize for this next question in advance…. Did she confide in any secrets with you?"

JESSI: "Of course she has. After all, we are best friends! I know all of her secret crushes, her fears."

SAM: [Huffs slightly.] "Miss Porter, that's not exactly what I meant. What I meant was whether or not you knew of her being unfaithful with Mr. Bartok. Betrayals. Things of that nature."

JESSI: [Glares at him.] "How dare you!?" [Tears well up in her eyes.]

SAM: [Looks hurt.]

LEVI: "Miss Porter… Jessi! [Licks his lips and swallows.] "We didn't mean to offend. These are things that we simply must be aware of." [Speaking in a calm, measured tone.] "Knowing that information just might help us in locating her."

JESSI: [Calms down, giving small whimpers.] "I…. I'm just so worried about her. You know?"

LEVI: [Places a reassuring, comforting hand on hers, giving a few nods before withdrawing.]

JESSI: [Sighs and takes a sip of her forgotten drink.] "Nadia may have been a sweetheart, but like anyone else she had her… dark side."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

HARRIET: Don’t we all… [sighs softly, rubbing the back of her neck. It almost seems like she's tracing something. She addresses Jessi gently] “Please, will you tell us… It may help us find her if you explain.”

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

JESSI: [A quick flash of a smile appears and just as quickly disappears.] "She threatened to pour scolding hot coffee onto them…. They were being chauvinistic pigs cat-calling us. We usually brush that sort of thing off and take it as a compliment, but we definitely draw the line at…." [Shivers to a chill that only she can feel, a chill caused from the mere memory of the incident.]

SAM: [Frowns] Grouping… These poor girls. "I take it that your boss didn't like how she handled that?"

JESSI: "Actually, she got lucky. The whole thing was caught on security cameras and a few other customers posted videos to YouTube. The most she got was a warning."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

HARRIET: “I see. Though since that was done in defense…” I don't really see that as a dark side. And a warning does seem fair from a business standpoint… Those men really should have been thrown out and not allowed back. “Did any of those men make threats against her after that?”

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

JESSI: "It wasn't so much as threatening to dump coffee on them that was her dark side…."

[The Winchesters give her a look and wait for her to continue.]

JESSI: [Picks at her nails.] "She liked to draw… disturbing images. Things like people getting hanged or dying in horrific and…."

LEVI: "Did she happen to keep a sketchbook?"

JESSI: "….Yes."

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

JESSI: [Sighs heavily.] "I know that how I said that was off… Sorry, I'm just tired."

SAM: "We understand. This all must be quite stressful."

JESSI: "Mmhm."

LEVI: "Would it be alright with you if we took a look at some of Nadia's drawings?"

JESSI: [Looks very unsure and uncomfortable with the idea.]

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

JESSI: [Stands up after several moments of consideration. Goes to Nadia's room and returns with two sketchbooks and sets them on the table.]

DEAN: Whoa, she must've had some pretty fucked up thoughts to have taken up two books.

JESSI: "They're not all doom and gloom."

SAM: [Opens one of them and starts flipping through them.]

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

HARRIET: [takes the other book and begins skimming through the pictures.] “She must have been very… interested in art.” Though… If it wasn't for being used to seeing things like this from hunting…