forum Animagi (Harry Potter Roleplay) {OPEN}
Started by @Fraust

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Animagi are pretty cool. In this roleplay, we're a group of friends who are unregistered animagi, kinda like the marauders. It's up to you how mischievous you are though :)
All of andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply, try to refrain from swearing excessively, respect when I say no, and please don't clog up the roleplay with arguments. Take it to pm so you don't ruin it for everyone.

Age (14+):
Appearance (human):
Appearance/Species (Animagus form):


I guess I'll just go ahead and fill out my own template
Name: Scipio Massimo
Age (14+): 14
Gender: Male
House: Slytherin
Appearance (human): Medium length dark brown, almost black hair that's kinda fluffy but managed well enough. Pale icy blue eyes. Small.
Appearance/Species (Animagus form): A small cat with fur the color of his human form's hair and the same color eyes, white tuxedo like markings (Paws, muzzle, chest, and tail tip)
Personality: Incredibly intelligent, but generally sort of secludes himself. He is very quiet and secretive, never sharing anything personal. He rarely shows his emotions, preferring to calculate decisions based on logic. He would be considered the voice of reason within the group.
Talents: Turning into an animagus, Solving problems with logic, Retaining information (He has a borderline photographic memory), Being the 'voice of reason'.
Flaws: Secretive and very independent, Refuses to ask for help
Other: He aspires to be a prefect. Has a black cat named Phosphorus (Phos) that he likes to talk to while in his animagus form


Name: Victoria Evans
Age: 14
Gender: female
Appearance (human): bouncy black hair freckles brown eyes brown skin wow I’m descriptive
Appearance/Species (Animagus form): shes a red fox woot woot
Personality: bubbly and um ha I’m in a rush
Talents: charms
Flaws: stuff
Other: is a fox

noop noodle

Name: Simon Wood
Age: 14
Gender: Male
House: Hufflepuff
Appearance (human): Has very curly strawberry blonde hair that has quite a messy look to it, slightly narrow yet bright dark brown eyes, slightly tanned skin.
Appearance/Species (Animagus form): honey coloured Jersey Wooly Bunny
Personality: very excitable and happy, quite a sweet and empathic friend, very loyal but is a little lacking in self confidence
Talents: Is able to easily connect with people, very good at herbology, can make plants grow without his wand (so long as both his hands are on the ground)
Flaws: If it's not herbology he's probably not good at it (study buddies anyone?), lacking in self confidence, his thick bunny wool is great for the cold winter but you gotta be joking if you think he'll become bunny on a hot day
Other: tends to sleep in his animagus form when he can because its so nice.

Deleted user

Name: Samine Samudrala
Age (14+): 14
Gender: Agender
Appearance (human): Chin-length black hair, amber/gold eyes, and dark brown skin. Short as fuck, with barely discernible curves. Looks very androgynous.
Appearance/Species (Animagus form): A medium-sized Bengal tiger. Large wary amber eyes, black stripes on an orange background.
Personality: Personality can violently shift depending on what animal they were last. Unpredictable, hard to read. Hates it when people call them Sam Sam. Will do anything that benefits them the most in the end. Makes a lot of comments that either seem like insults but are compliments or seem like compliments that are insults. Dry humor, and much sarcasm.
Talents: Excels at charms, can BS really well.
Flaws: Is unable to connect with people perfectly.
Other: Is in Slytherin.