@False-andrew flash_on
Well, just like the title says: give me the worst plan your party (or you) has come up with, funny or not.
I'm just bored and want to see if y'all are as stupid as this:
So, we have a Thri Kreen fighter, a human rogue, a dwarf noble warlock, a tiefling sorcerer and a halfling trickery domain cleric. Fun choices, right?
Deadly wrong.
You see, our halfling cleric just so happens to be incredibly smart and incredibly stupid. So, one session, while fight a deep dwarf, our cleric asked to make a really weird perception check.
Now, I think this is a good time to mention that we were in the sewers beneath the city - gas buildup is a real thing, and even the the walls are stone, even they wouldn't be able to survive.
Our cleric makes the check to see if she could determine two things.
One, if the gas buildup was severe enough that a spark could light it.
And two, if the walls and roof around us had any weakpoints.
Yes and yes.
She casts fucking thaumaturgy to make the flame jump and flicker into a thick cloud of methane and TPKs the entire party.
She also ended up destroying a fourth of the city.
So yeah, never let your halfling trickery domain cleric cook.