@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
Basically the title, I'm looking for someone with experience. I am doing research, but thought I'd ask if anyone had it Lol
Basically the title, I'm looking for someone with experience. I am doing research, but thought I'd ask if anyone had it Lol
(Does Min-Hyuk count XD)
(Well, Kind of! If that means you know about it XD)
(I have a whole book about mental illnesses (about like two-three inches wide) including schizophrenia, But i think you should probably look for someone who has it. I was just joking around. Though if you don’t find anyone, i would be glad to try to help.)
(That would be great! I'll wait a couple of days to see if I get any responses lol)
(alrighty! Good luck!)
(Just bumping this :P)
(Whatcha lookin' to know about it? I know a few things about it.)
Well, I had this concept, but I’ll have to wait a minute or so to explain, I’ll be right back.
Alright, so basically, this girl I have (Eliza Kilo) hears these voices. They're always the same voices, and sometimes have physical appearance. I had about five people in mind for this, they're always there, putting her down telling her she's not good enough. They affect her day-to-day life, and are basically always there. Is this plausible? Like is this the right thing/ is this a thing?
What do you mean by affect her day-to-day life? Like, impacting her decisions or actions?
Yeah, mostly her actions. She sees someone she wants to be friends with or something, and they persuade her they hate her and are trying to be better than she is. Causing her to hate them, and so on. That was really bad at explaining…
I think I understand what you're saying and I don't think it's much of a stretch honestly. With Schizophrenia there is more than the psychological hearing voices or hallucinating symptoms. There are also many behavioral of cognitive issues that come with it, as well as other things, so I don't think that that is unrealistic.
Alright cool! I have gotten a few opinions, and it's been about the same. Though I'll probably just do a little more research before I make it official. Thank you so much!
You're welcome! :}
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