Just curious to see what kind of stuff people can come up with. The most dangerous in my world besides the obvious like dragons and demons is an Iblis. An Iblis is a creature with a long, serpentine neck, a thick body that can stand on its hind legs or all fours, and massive talons on its hind feet. It can glide some distance and its wings also serve as intimidation and weapons. It can spit acid. Basically take every major predator and role them up into one and make it highly hostile and vicious. That is an Iblis.
Most dangerous beast? Well, it would probably have to be Ank' Ul' Geminon. It's about 40 meters tall standing on all eight legs, almost 60 standing on just four. It's entire body is covered in violet scales, each about the size of a Chevy Silverado and just as much. It's a land beast so no flying but it makes up for that with its ability to manifest tentacles from its back that have a reach in excess of a 400-500 meters. It's just a massive tank of a monster not really meant to go fast, more meant for taking a beating. Besides it's tentacles, it has this massive head with hundreds of eyes, a jaw that can open to an almost complete 180 angle with rows upon rows of sharp teeth disappearing down its throat. On top of that, it spits lava and breaths fire, and, if the tentacles come into contact with anything electrocute whatever the thing is. Its massive, powerful, and take a beating, but its incredibly slow, like one of the first tanks of WWI. Only problem with this stupid thing is that it's weakness is massive amounts of water. And it's not because it's a type of fire beast, no…it's just way too damn fat and heavy. This hoe will sink.
Theoretically stars are the most dangerous life forms, but they occur so rarely–a star has to have been given sentience by its astral god, and it has to have enough astral magic to assume a living form–and they usually care more about finding other stars or returning to space than utilizing their almost limitless power that it's not even worth mentioning them as a danger. The only star so far that's caused any large-scale damage is the only one to have assumed a living form while still in space (most stars "fall"to the nearest planet) and he instantly killed half of two armies on accident. Feels mighty bad about it though.
So any high dragon is the most dangerous life form. Urulafarnfir has fire so hot and is so MASSIVE that he could wipe out the entire planet if it wasn't for the truce between high dragons. The cave dragon never leaves his vast cave system and spits lava instead of breathing fire. Sea serpents literally never stop growing and are so dangerous that its instinct for any ocean creature to kill one while it's still small enough to be overpowered. Once big enough they can level entire cities just by throwing themselves at them. The hydra has an army of Ascended demon priests that do her bidding, and the lich has been building an army of undead on another continent for god knows how long.
Humans are the most destructive and dangerous creatures known to have existed.
We aren't the biggest or the strongest; but we're smart. We build weapons. We kick, punch, and bite until we rise to the top. We've become the dominant species without being the tertiary consumer. We spread to the highest mountaintops and the lowest deserts.
Never underestimate a human.
Well, other than the obvious human answer, there are Obscuracles and Infectians (here I am without a premium membership, unable to make a creatures category). So, let's start with Obscuracles:
Tall, lanky creatures with vantablack skin. The only features on their body are the occasional spike or wing poking up from the dark abyss known as their skin or their pure white eyes and jagged mouth. They stand at over 9 ft tall and wander the endless white plain on the outskirts of the afterlife. Their main source of food is the angels and other heavenly creatures that make the mistake of leaving the safety of their large, glowing paradise. Not only are they confined to the afterlife, but they have the ability to be summoned into the living world. Whoever they haunt is destined to become one of their own. These creatures have started many wars and slaughtered many, and even though their tall, thin appearance may make them look like a pushover, they have inhumane amounts of strength and could easily take anyone down.
Now, here are the Infectians: On first glance, they are cute, fluffy creatures about the size of a wolf. They have large, rabbit like ears and a long, thin tail with a huge ball of fur at the end. However, they can be one of the most deadly creatures someone could ever encounter, if you meet the wrong one. Infectians harbor strains of certain viruses, bacteria, parasites, you name it! If it is a sickness and it exists, there is at least one Infectian for it. With a single bite, or scratch, you can be infected. Many people describe them as "Weird zombie wolves that somehow gave me cancer??". Their jaws have the ability to unhinge to swallow larger prey or show their three large tongues, or open up (sort of like the Demogorgon from Stranger Things) and show their three tongues that way. Cross-Disease breeding is almost unheard of! But when it happens, some weird things can come out of it…
So, there are two of my most dangerous creatures. If you want to know more, just let me know!
Storm dragons are probably the most dangerous ones in my world. With thick armored hides and the ability to withstand extreme heat, coupled with sharp, serrated talons and incredible strength, these beasts have sent even the biggest and strongest wendigos running back to where they came. They're highly unpredictable with their usually short-tempers. They can move fast and are able to fly faster than any other creature. Unless you plan to try and befriend one, they'll be a formidable opponent indeed. They live and mostly stay in the mountains, so the chances of you encountering one anywhere else are rare
I don't have many creatures so far, but out of the two (yes, two) creatures I have so far it'd have to be the Cattus wallus. Or what we idiot humans (in my universe) call "defenders". They are small, only about the size of a large domestic cat (Maine Coon being my reference for size) but are extremely fast and agile. Plus they have four eyes, how cool is that? Monocular vision, though. Anyways, they have just four legs but act as meerkats in that they stand upright to search for danger or prey. They're always, and I mean ALWAYS, in groups of three or sometimes more. They're pretty mellow, until you get too close and then they become extremely agitated because they're both protective and territorial. Unless if they adopt you, then you should be fine. They have heat vision only, much like snakes and can camouflage really well in their surroundings. They are a domesticated species, but humans can't handle them… for reasons.
I love my little four eyed kitties ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ ♥
My most dangerous creature is Wisp. He doesn't have a species; he's the only one ever born. He lives and dies with his owner, Remi Orlando. He is literally a wisp of smoke, which explains why she named him what she did. Wisp can morph into different shapes, including people. He is a weapon in and of himself. If he touches you, the affected area turns grey and loses life. All cells in the area die. The life eventually comes back, but if he surrounds you, you're dead forever. The thing about Wisp is that he runs off of anger and fear. Remi can summon him, but he only stops when he wants. He has a mind of his own and is like a cute puppy that can suck the life out of someone (literally). He is only dangerous when he wants to be, but you're good as dead if Remi is furious with you.
Mine is a Cry:qua (Kreek-wah), which is basically the ghost left behind by a variation of unicorn that I made up that's been killed. Living Cry:quas, or Quaions (K-why-ons) are indigo, with long fur, silver eyes, and one loooong horn. They are pretty peaceful in life, seeking only to fill dried-up rivers once more with their Magiks, but once murdered, they are vicious, cunning, and have perfect memories. Cry:quas are made out of white mist, and have violet eyes and short fur.
I think the most dangerous creatures in my world are the ones that even I haven't discovered yet. No one knows anything about them, so anything could happen.
In my world probably the most dangerous thing (so far) is a Silver or a Siren or a Whynder. Silvers look a lot like lions, but are silver in colour and their manes are attached from head to the back of the legs and looks more like human hair, they can also shape shift, though not in the way you're thinking; they more take on the abilities of other creatures more then actually change their shape, though if they took on the properties of a bird, for example, they would grow wings to fly. A Siren is my own take on the mythical creature. My Sirens are humans of mixed Witch and Whynder blood. They can transform into mermaid like beasts at will and they have strange powers which differ for each Siren. A Whynder comes in two forms: Heart Whynder and Soul Whynder. A Whynder is a human who is dead yet alive (though not like a Zombie), a Heart Whynder is born without a heartbeat, but still breathes and functions like a normal person (though they stop ageing at adulthood), a Soul Whynder is someone who dies, but not their entire soul leaves their body. There are only very specific ways to kill a Whynder (they don't die of old age) and a Whynder can take the heartbeat or soul respectively of someone (killing them) and give it to someone else (resuscitating them)
The Operus of the other side, probably
It's a large serpant covered in deep blue and purple scale. It has a oddly shaped, vine shaped horns, strong talons and a tail that's basically an over sized whip. It can use almost all types of resonances, making it basically invincible. It has a furry underbelly with poisonous spikes that prevent you from attacking it from the bottom. Probably bigger than your city. The scales are retractable and can shoot out of the skin if needed. Other features that I really don't have the time to talk about.
It was one of the two Operus in the very beginning of the Alternate Guardian world. All creatures that are from the other side- or, on the inside of the planet- hatched from its egg. Basically the one of the two sources of all things alive. It's asleep in its stone statue for the moment, but it will awaken if called upon. It rests at the very bottom of the Tower.
Mine is called a sighorn
The description my story gives is that it has a dragon head, powerful cheetah legs, eagle wings, and a scorpion tail. It releases venom out of its eyes, has few weaknesses, and is very well trained to fight humans.
My most dangerous animal is called a maraclave. Pearly white in colour, the maraclave has wings four leagues long (each), that naturally reflect light, causing some who see the creature to believe that its wings are the colours of the rainbow. This illusion, however, is caused by the maraclave’s favourite food—light itself. The bird-like animal actually feeds on light, using hair-like gills that protrude from the wings and gather light into it. The maraclave has also been known to feed on plants at night-time, when light is too rare or too cold to consume, and especially likes the leaves of the fabled tracanas, found only in the country of Menan Plain.
The maraclave has no head, and instead has a writhing mass of tin’buhegô (the gill-things) that serves only one purpose—to attack enemies. The maraclave does this by raiding its personal supply of stored light and bursting with a colour so brilliant and dazzling that it immediately blinds their victim. Once this is done, the maraclave takes advantage of their victim’s confusion by spreading their tin-buhegô on their faces, which releases an oily substance called maraclauvia. Fatal, the thoroughly spreaded maraclauvia then disintegrates the victim’s head, followed by the body. The maraclauvia is not done yet, though—it transforms the disintegrated ash into light, which the maraclave promptly consumes. However, the maraclauvia has no effect on other maraclaves—if a duel occurs between two or more maraclaves, they attack with their blue-coloured claws. The maraclave is famous for its resilience; if it begins a fight with another maraclave, it will not surrender until one of them is sufficiently weakened. Not dead, though—a maraclave will never kill another maraclave, as it considers the other its brethren, almost family.
Capable of flight, the maraclave often wanders the skies in groups of three or four, and destroys anything with maraclauvia (except another maraclave, of course) that lies in its path. Thus, if you witness dead birds dropping from the sky, it is likely that a group of maraclave are flying overhead. It is also not possible for a maraclave to be domesticated—they are too proud and beautiful for that sort of thing. It is, however, possible for a maraclave to be captured, as long as one does not look at their wings or go too close to the tin’buhegô on their head. The Duke of Na’Enad, Urzuly Binitacha, has a total of three captured maraclaves, who pull Binitacha’s carriages and occasionally fly with them.
Sorry that this is so long–maraclaves are really hard to explain. :)) Can you guys tell me if this is a good beast to add to my story (first-time writer over here)?
The most dangerous creature in my world is probably a Marozcu. The Marozcu are 40 ft long coral-skinned teal-blue sea monsters with long necks and clawed fins. Their snout is like a harpoon and their entire back is covered in seasponge pipes and they have a round crest made of them as well. They have one pair of big fins on front, then four pairs of small fins and last a pair of middle sized fins, and finally a long clawless tailfin. They also have four eyes and an armored underside. The Marozcu are solitary and live deep in ocean trenches but occasionally come higher to hunt. It's pretty easy to avoid them if you either don't go into the ocean or keep close to the coast and shallow waters but every now and again someone disappears.
Chimp-snakes. They are chimpanzees with the body of a snake in place of legs. They hide in bushes all coiled up, wait for a person to walk by within 15 meters, and then lunge with their powerful snake bodies and strangle the person with their obscenely strong dirty ape hands.
Hmm. The Kajou are pretty scary in their own right, being apex predators and all, but they're sentient and civilized enough that they're probably not going to do anything to other people. When you get a cannibalistic Kajou, THAT'S when things go downhill. A Kajou that's eaten other Kajou almost always contracts "Eater's Prion," which causes really fast and unhealthy growth spurts, general insanity, and other things. Cannibals are huge and can't be reasoned with, so they're probably the most dangerous thing on the planet.
I'm current;y coming up with the lore, and creatures of my world, and the worst/most dangerous creatures i have in it so far are Hydras and Chimeras. In my world hydras are considered more dangerous than dragons. Depending on what the chimera is a mix of (which can pretty much be anything- i wrote one that was a mix of a lion and scorpion that had reptilian skin) they can be even more dangerous than Hydras. I can go into even more detail about why hydras are more dangerous than dragons in my world, but it all really boils down to the fact that they are unpredictable and aggressive, while in my book dragons only attack when provoked.
Probably Dragons in Gems of the Stars if they are provoked, like if you hurt them or their young.