forum Writing characters who experience major change
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Deleted user

So I have a character who throughout the duration of my story goes through multiple different phases based on how her traits manifest themselves in certain circumstances, and at different times, different facets of herself take the spotlight. But I don't really know how to map some of this out onto a single character sheet, so on her sheet I really only have her as she starts out at the beginning of the story. What should I do? Write separate entries for areas where she goes through significant changes and label the time period? I need some help organizing this, please and thank you

Deleted user

Hello Ledger, I think your idea of the organization sounds great! If you have separate parts and times for her different feelings and characteristics in those times. And if you weren't thinking about it, you could put that all in the notes at the end if you want to record her main trait throughout the thing, then add her other traits and such in the end notes, I don't know if this helped much, but I hope it did! Happy Writing!