forum Who is the most evil person in your worlds?
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At the momment it's Captain Arden Devaal.
He's one of those guys who would do anything (including murdering his own crew) if it would bring him even a little closer to victory. He can be so manipulative, also… calmly convincing anyone why they should better stab their own friends in the back to help him…..
I hate him as a person, but I love writing him^^
I usually imagine him to have a smooth, soothing voice that sudenly turns verry deep and rougth when he shouts


At first it was Colden, because through a series of horrible misunderstandings he believed his co-worker was conspiring to overthrow him from their shared position of power, leading him to go mad and start killing other magic users to steal their power, leading to his god-like abilities and equally big god complex. Now I think the 'honor' is currently held by Nyarlathotep. He's the god of chaos and is pretty much such a prick for the fun of it. His only real goal in life is to cause as much mayhem and chaos on Earth as possible through whatever means possible. He has no restraints, no remorse, nothing except sadistic glee whenever he causes destruction.


I don't have strictly "evil" characters, so it's a lot more complicated question to answer?

That being said, I'd say it's a tie between Raethl Meibir and Aerin Haesir, though. Aerin is the corrupt leader of the corrupt Guardians. He only cares about his own wealth and success, and he's got big plans throughout the story, which… I can't elaborate on, because that's kind of what the story is about.

Raethl is barely old enough to be considered an adult (and according to his sister, he can still act like a 12 yr old), but he's had a very exciting backstory and he's basically being consumed by the need for revenge and the desire to make the entire group of Guardians suffer. A lot.
Possibility of redemption? I'm not yet sure.


My most Evil character is probably Rabiosus, a fearsome Sea Dragon of great power. It tried to overthrow an empire, to wipe the various humanoid species from the Campaign world. Its claws could sunder gods and its wingbeats caused hurricanes. He's sealed away in a prison devised by 12 demons, who were then locked away so no one could ever learn how to free the Dragon.


Leila, definitely. She turned against her family at quite a young age and murdered many. Richard believes she can be redeemed, but even Aidan (her brother) knows that is impossible.


I don’t have a name for her yet but basically she kidnaped a ton of kids and did experiments on them to make them ultimate soldiers to overthrow the world with, and making her the only leader. She would do anything to succeed


the dark prince (his name is neres, which is seren backwards, which means star in welsh, so he's basically the opposite of nova in the first novel). he believes he has claim to the throne of stars and will do anything to get it.

there's also guinevere in the second/third novel, but i wouldn't consider her an evil character. she's just driven by all the wrong things.


My villains are not exactly evil, so it's hard to know XP
Basically, they are "gods" fighting "gods". My main character works with one of them, so you kinda just want this especific side to "win". However, none of the sides is wrong - they just have different ideas. Both of them very logic, by the way.

A huge amount of the wars and fights doesn't even envolve the main enemies. When they show up, my main character, Kath, just tries to convince them. Of course, they are gods, so they usually test her in very extreme ways (the way she deals with the situations they put her in is what leads them to their decision), but nothing really "evil". Just kinda fair.

Anyways, if I were to say about the most dangerous person in my worlds, it'd probably be the Prince of Ice. He's one of the gods, who disguised himself to stay near to Kath and her friends during the journey to see "her side of the things". His adoptive parents also adopted her, so he thought of her like a dear sister, and when she dies he's one of the first gods that they can't convince not to kill the entire human race. It's very hard to stop him.

Sorry if I wrote anything wrong XD English is not my main language XP


My villain is simply called Master and she is the epidemy of patience. She is an immortal whose sister died centuries ago by the Order she belongs to. From that fateful day, she planned to bring down that Order and everyone in it, even if she has to wait a few more decades. Not also that, but Master is incredibly manipulative and smart. She knows that the best way to defeat a hero is not to fight him/her with their friends, but to make it so that the hero is all alone and has no one to trust. Once that's done, the hero is vulnerable and therefore easy to defeat.


I actually don't know who the most evil person in my worlds is. The most notable one, though, is one of my stories which have an interesting twist:
The protagonists themselves. I mean they're the cause of the conflict they're involved in, and almost everything wrong was caused by them to a degree. Though I'm not sure if they're really antagonists per say, since they didn't mean to do most of it. The antagonists would have to be the people behind their little problems, but I haven't made them in full yet.


Well, that's a tough question. I guess that'd have to be Kosaburo Mikage, even though he hasn't showed up in my novel yet. He's the one manipulating everything and everyone around him and thus causing the death of anyone that he considers dangerous or a threat. He lived in a peaceful rural area until his family made business with the local mafia, making him and his mother slaves under the local boss for several years. He's decided to never be powerless and defenseless again. His goal is to be the only person pulling all the strings that shape his world, no matter what.


Mine is Lord Damien Gall, and my my he is a fun one! At first he is a minor character, a right hand man of the king who has two sons. He already is complicated, as you see him assist the king in his strict ruling and abuse over the two princes, yet he will tend to the princes' wounds and care for the, and when the protag is near death, he helps him. Later on, he truly becomes a bastard and there really is no good in him, but what makes him interesting is that he doesn't view himself or his motives as evil. BUT DAMN he is sUCH a dick!


The Dark God Corophagia, no contest. Really the only villain of mine who has no motivation or incentive to be as evil as he is. He doesn't appear until my 3rd book of the series, Disappearance, but the second he shows up he manages to shit all over the lives of the six protagonists. He completely takes control of the female lead, manipulating her into injuring her own allies and destroying her mental state in the process. Takes two books for them to finally deal with him. In summation: he's a little bitch.

Deleted user

The most evil? Well, probably the Leader of the assassin group. He tricks teenagers into believing that he's the good guy, and that the people that they are killing are the bad guys, but really, he is also a bad guy, and the two groups are competing against each other to be the ruler of the country. Any hope for him? Absolutely not. I mean, he tricks children into killing people with their magic. I don't think anything should happen to him other than death.


Definitely General Corrando.
He's only second in command and yet he is so much worse than the main antag.
He totured one of the mains, a demon-bound named Damian (cliche I know), using holy water, he attempts to take advantage of Damian's girlfriend Rivereden while she is tied down, he makes the life of his two gay officers, Jax and Alex, absolute hell, he murders my favourite character, Riot, and he is probably not safe to leave near children. I hate him, I hate writing him, I'm so glad he dies.

There is no hope for him. I think he is just one of those people that are just not right. He had a bad upbringing but thats no excuse. Damian and the others turned out fine and they were all raised in the same place.

Deleted user

Okay so it's either a background character, who killed the protags mother (and is the protags father), or the main antag who is essentially a dictator and also tortures teenagers

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Mine is Travis of Red Creek. He's not even a villain with like, lots of power or influence. He's just an average human being with a screwed up head and sadistic tendencies. Ever since he was a teen he's been making others suffer, either for his own benefit or just because he thinks it's fun. He learned how to be both an expert manipulator and abuser by practicing on his little brother Gage (who is naturally equally messed up these days). I gave Travis no compelling backstory, no redeemable traits, and a crime list long enough to get him a life sentence (if prisons still existed in his world). The amount of people he's caused lasting physical and/or emotional damage to is even greater. In fact I'm not totally comfortable writing him sometimes, but at least he dies eventually and his brother's given some much-needed therapy.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

TW; abuse, assault
Warning this may a long post because my sadistic mind keeps pumping out these shitlets, also some of them are kind of nice but does some fucked up shit

Wolf Pack, A harem of bastard boyfriendTM werewolf boys that were in an otome game named Prison of Passion or Diet Diabolik Lovers , they were programmed to treat the heroine, Insato, terribly until they are "fixed" by the heroine, No wonder why Insato's so fucked up

First, there's Gaki, who is a childish sadist, who acts insane just to troll, it's implied in-game, he killed Insato most of him ends, and even after realizing he was programmed like this and gain self-awareness he still treated her like trash, he threw his brothers under the bus by letting Insato kill off his brothers, and he possessed the heroine's, Sophie's younger brother, Micheal, makes fun of his social anxiety, tries to kill his sister and generally act like a shit even when he died

Tsumi, The leader, He mostly an arrogant jerk, who basically saw Insato as piece of property and punished her for not giving him her undivided attention, He knew all along this was a game but refused to someone as lowly as Insato emotional support, He escaped the game with the hopes of having his fans treat him as a god and to kill Insato, He possessed Sophie's childhood friend, Matthew, Intentionally let his "brothers" die, tried to kill his fans when they were understandably scared shitless when they met him in the skin and tried to assault Sophie while in Matthew's body to get her to worship him Great logic, Bootleg Ayato-.-, and used his brother's corpses to make a mutant servant Thank god, Insato blew his ass up, tbh I think he's the worst one here, besides Ms. Groomer pants and Mr. "Son It's not a phase"

Muda, He thinks that Insato is supposed to love him bc he gave her a knife to escape oMg I gAvE hEr A kNiFu ShE mUsT bE mAi WaIfU He plans to be the man she loves, by his logic that means being like Tsumi's crazy ass, is generally a wangsty emo and tends to be abusive toward the heroine he loves He shows some restaurant toward her but still his vessel, Jax and probably to those fox spirits that are in Jax's heart his fangirls and whatever unfortunate wall that's near him, Soon Tsumi got sick of his shit and got him killed by Sophie and Bonita

Gomi, A perverted creep, who basically assaulted Insato repeatedly until she fell in love with him and then played with his her emotions while cheating on her while the local literal alpha bitch, He got over Insato and now wants to more adored that Tsumiayato-kun, Tried to disfigure his vessel to make him bootiful, Fortunally Valerie broke the hard drive he was in

Muyo(naise), Likes making potions and sees his newfound fanbase as cash cow, In his past, he poisoned a town of people bc daddy issues, Use Insato as a text subject and used some nice guy TM routine to keep her in place, He basically tried to hold his vessel, Charlie and the StRoNg anime heroine, Tsuyoi hostage and nearly kills them but fortunately, Insato killed him once and for all

Insato- Basically your average otome heroine but if she hated the harem she has, wants to kill her fans and generally wanted to fade away without of trace, She was driven insane by her abusive love interests and rabid fans victim-blaming her, dying route after route and overshadowing her with their tougher self-inserts, after killing off her love interests, she met her replacement, she manipulated her into joining her in her journey to punished the evil fangirls by trapping them in the same hell she was once trapped, She is genuinely nice to the heroes, save for Valeries since she kind of distrust tomboys, but she did to lock Sophie's love interests and brother in the media they were watching in the place of the character that was there note: Micheal was watching tentacle anime, Why I do this to myself? ;.;, After she help Sophie restore the boys back to normal, she tries to kill all the fangirls who are probably scarred for life by now , but can't because she somethings in them, oh a Sophie was like, "If you kill them you'll be no better than your stalkers.", she at first tries to kill off Sophie by possessing her friends, but it turns out that Tsumi wasn't really dead after and Insato sacrifices herself to save everyone but doesn't die bc Tsuyoi asked Sophie to put her in a hard drive and I guess she's just chilling in flash drive now or went off to kill a bunch of bastard boyfriends and girlfriends, probably the latter

Elijah- Bullied a bunch of kids to the point of fucking them up mentally, and put all the blame on his former friends, Still bullies a lot people, his main reason for this is that he learned this behavior from his shitty dad, rewarded for shunning the unpopular and he was spoiled rotten, He is generally unhappy and drags people down to boost himself up and usually cheats on his poor girlfriend, and when infected with flowers and shunned by his father, he decides to take society By society he means his school, because that school was society the only place Charlies and Elijahs can get along is in heaven After that he has become relatively nicer, kind of, he joined the art club and seems apologetic towards his victims

Claire- Mostly enabled her brother's bullyish actions, when she isn't bullying people herself, She also loves making Aaron (her brother's best "friend") life hell, by forcing him out the closet while bullying him, breaking up him and his boyfriend and holding his boyfriend hostage to be fair she saw that he was infected with hanahaki disease and was using Darrell as bait and tries to hide it all behind feign innocence, she does learn her lesson and tries to redeem herself

Camille- Tried to kill her son and husband so they can be in heaven together, she also tends to feed off the souls of lost children, She has a sweet motherly personality for the most part

Alex- was a bully in his younger years and hasn't grown out of it, He basically pressured a girl he used to bully to stay in a relationship with him, pressured his kids to be **👏THE 👋BEST** and was generally cold and cruel toward them and condescending and forceful, to his wife and when his wife divorced he got custody of the oldest just to spite her, oh and he wants to kill their middle son for that gucci kitsune blood, he does reflect on his actions when he's in jail and finally learns how to take responsibility, it only took like 40 years

Alice- Is an abusive madam, who takes advantage of impressionable teens and she would gotten away with it too if wasn't those meddling kids and their stupid mom Ok I'll stop She seduce Jane, who was 12 or 13 at the time so she can see if she was a pure kitsune, It turns out she ain't, so now Alice is stuck with her, and basically beats and assaults her out of anger, Thank god, Janice beat her ass and got her behind bars

Felix the cat, the wonderful wonderful cat He used some unknowing kids as test subjects for an alien drug, He also hogged of Matthew mother's attention and may be the reason that Matthew's a yandere and hates his mom, other than that he's friendly

Marionette- Directly or indirectly caused all the incidents that happened and doesn't care, Wants to get enough souls to become immortal and will hurt anyone to get it


Akihito Reisu is the father of my protagonist, Arashi, after a secret relationship with a superhero. He goes by the name Void and grew up in rural Russia in a suffering family. As he grew up, he became bitter as he thought other people were either too happy or used heroes as an excuse to ignore others who need help because "the heroes will take care of it." He became a villain using his power (which is too complicated to explain here lol). He uses said power to corrupt people and force them to see the evil in everyone/themselves alongside the occasional hero. He wants to prove a point that heroes can't solve every problem in the world and that people suffer everyday. His daughter is now training to become a hero to kick his ass while he's trying to get her to take over as the next Void.