Eden Lux, or Cecilia Lux? I'm leaning towards Cecilia cause it roles off the tongue more but Eden is just so pretty and unique so I'm having trouble deciding (character is an Elf, is blind, and has Empathetic Aura, which means she can sense the emotions or feelings of those close to her).
I’d probably go for Eden, since she’s an Elf and I imagine they’d have more unique names. Both are very pretty!
Cecilia rolls off the tongue better, but Eden is more Elf like I think :)
I personally think Cecilia sounds more gentle, so if you want this character to be a gentle soul, I would recommend Cecilia! Though, Eden is definitely more elf-like. It sounds somewhat like an elder elf would name her that, so if you want her to be closer to the elder elves (if you are going off medieval elf hierarchy, that is) then I would go with Eden. :) Hope this helped with your decision!
Eden is nice for the character, given the information.
Eden is pretty and makes sense for the character you described, but the surname sounds better with Cecilia, in my opinion. Good luck!
Cecelia definitely sounds better and seems to correspond better with the character. Eden is a pretty name but has a harsher feel than Cecelia. Since the character is gentle and can sense emotion, I think Cecelia sounds better.
Thanks for all the feedback! I decided to go with Cecilia but spelled Sesilia (pronounced the same) to be more unique and hopefully more Elf-like!