forum What would your characters be like in a horror movie?
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@larcenistarsonist group

oh god this is going to be hard with The Six (granted they've all killed someone-) but here we go anyways-

Paisley: No doubt the team leader, the one with a level head and actual common sense. Tries to figure out the killer's pattern, keeps everyone together, keeps everyone from doing something stupid. Died after going after Shea.
Abel: Having the time of their life. Seriously, this is like a carnival for Abel. Some killer chasing after him? Hell yeah! Abel treats this like a game, much to the others chagrin. Survived the whole night. Sort of disappointed when it was all over.
Rhyda: Done with everybody's shit. "You can find this insane killer, but I'll be inside eating ice cream. Don't drag me into this." Somehow doesn't get killed… (might've been the killer…. who knows)
Shea: Whoops not the first victim but definitely one of them. Probably made a rash decision because she was mad at someone, got cornered, got slaughtered.
Grace: An absolute mess. Her friends are dying!?!?!?? Screams and cries a lot. Survives the night with a shit ton of survivor's guilt.
Felix: Probably dies after trying to seduce the killer and gets a knife through the chest. Funny flirty guy who's the fan favorite. Has a mental breakdown halfway through the night, then pulls himself together like nothing happened.
Drew: First victim :( He just wanted a nice quiet night to himself,,, but it was too quiet and BANG all his friends found him dead on the couch
Bianca: The loner who backpacks into the woods and sets up traps and stuff for the killer. Hides away in trees, watches the main group with a disappointed shake of her head. Doesn't get killed. The actual one who figures out who the killer is and puts a stop to them.
Jeb: Bianca's guy on the walkie-talkie in the next town over who's watching everything on a GPS.
Crimson: Bianca's other guy on the walkie-talkie who's telling Bianca not to do anything rash
Cagney: The killer.
Sid: Marching around the woods with a crowbar screaming "I AINT SCARED OF YOU BITCH COME OUT AND FIGHT ME!" Swings his crowbar at everything that moves. Never actually gets even near the killer
Holden: Sobbing, shitting, screaming, holding on tight to Sid's arm and jumping at every noise. Constantly telling Sid to relax and to not actually taunt the killer. Trips over a log and thinks he's going to die and screeches and sobs and passes out at some point.


Oh Jesus- they're all assassins-

Hailey and Hunter: are the killers
Hazel: (you would think she would be the first to die but she's actually the smart one) Why tf would we go in there? You know what- do whatever you want. I'm going this way
Henry: secretly helping his older siblings (the killers)
Blake: the chill one who's not afraid to die. casually walking through the foggy woods at night and hears a branch snap behind him yeeeeesss? I mean if you're gonna do it just do it like damn. Don't be a pussy about it– [Hailey] THE $@&% DID YOU JUST CALL ME?! secretly scared of her
Ethan: the one the killers have beef with
Ella, Gabby, and Emily: screaming THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU the ones the killers are just… done with
Mama G: (Hailey and Hunter's adoptive mom) the one that figures out who it is HAILEY MARIE AND HUNTER DENIS HARPER! GET YOUR ASSES OUT OF THE BASEMENT RIGHT NOW. they slowly walk up the stairs in shame PUT THOES CHAINSAWS DOWN THIS INSTANT! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING YOU- starts scolding them in Italian
Papa G: what she said.