forum What's that one Joke OC you made that...
Started by @DemisedKenze face

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@DemisedKenze face

'ello 'ello, question everyone.

Do you have that one OC that you made as a joke that is now a complex OC, bonus if you're somehow attached to them?

If so, tell me about them! How did they come into existance and how/why did they get complex?

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Well if I’m being honest, I made my version of Heart/Mind/Soul/Whole from the Chonny Jash fandom just because my friend was in the fandom at the time making her own interpretations. I, being the competitive little shit I am, decided to make my own because I had my own ideas for how they could look to see what would happen. And then it spiraled because I decided to listen to the whole album of songs that was their canon story/lore and got invested.

They got so complex because I became obsessed with their canon story and wanted to put my own twist on it. Whole is just a guy with some issues, Heart represents their emotions, Mind represents their logical side, and Soul represents their personality and is the one in “control” of the Whole. There’s not quite a villain or a hero in this story, just the internal conflict between Heart and Mind and who should really be in control.

And then of course my first official OC, the one who “started it all” and is the reason why I have a real story that I plan to write along with my friend, was also a joke. But that’s a whole nother story.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Ha! Sinjoro the French Anglo-Arab, an individual with a carefully crafted backstory, personality, appearance, and now Canon life events, adventuring alongside his best friend.

He's a horse I made as a joke. I would kill for him.

I joined an RP that asked for a detailed character sheet. I built Lucky, my French cowboy, and gave all the details. Then, just being stupid, I wrote out an equally detailed character sheet for his horse, and posted it. People immediately loved it, which shocked me, and he became a fan favorite. And then I got where I couldn't write Lucky without Sinjoro, no matter what setting.

For a character who never has dialogue, he's had a big impact on my RP's.

@Mojack group

one of my characters, Dewey, was originally a joke character; not exactly made for anything that I recall, but I ended up developing him into having a serious story and world surrounding him
for reference, he is potentially one of my strongest (but also weakest?) characters; can be injured, can be temporarily killed but will always reappear moments later, completely healthy. of course I decided for his major Flaw to be that he is embarrassingly, pathetically weak. all the durability in the world but no ways of causing damage that matches his extreme durability
originally when he was just made as a gag, I didn’t have any story as to why he was like that, but eventually I developed that he was from a different future in which humans were up against powerful, almost angelic (but certainly not angels) beings (when I say up against, more so subservient to. Dewey did not want to stand for that)
and Dewey would eventually end up sent back to a random point in history (modern era) as punishment, but at the same time another one of these beings (who was also in the process of being punished for trying to overthrow the rest; not in the interests of humans however. it would be like “more like under new management” if they succeeded) is essentially sealed within Dewey, giving him these ‘powers’ but also his unfortunate Flaw

he still is a somewhat non serious character but like I said, I developed more and more into him

@Jules_ group

I made a bunch of side characters for a game, and one was this weird crusty outcast guy named Mikhail. Originally the only interesting thing about him was the nicknames he got (Mc Kale even though that's not how it's pronounced, Mc Kyle, The guy with the green hair, etc.). Turns out… now he's a lead character AND has magical powers?? My man went from trash to a legend just like that. There was no real reason for it. I one day just decided that if the main conflict was ever going to be resolved, it would need to take some difficulty. What better way to add tension than to need to befriend the kid nobody wants to be around? Kinda stinky looking back, but I feel better now that he's one of my favorite characters who's always getting my love and attention.

Deleted user

Haha!! Yes I have- My main oc for the main fandom i'm in- They're now my MAIN oc- and i'm- My profile, is- Them- ;-; Neona was a joke oc I made for Countryhumans and now they're my main OC for everything- Before Countryhumans, they were actually the mascot for my album covers for the songs I make! (I've never published a song ;-;)

(Also, bonus, if you didn't notice, my user says "Neona also makes songs! New album out btw!" Referencing alot lol)

@Cadeverek group

DUUUUUUUUUDEEEE YEAH Simon is my favorite OC nowadays, has been for 2 years, arguably the second most well developed, the one I've drawn the most, and originally he was supposed to be the "stoner but he's also the matrix-esque programmer I.T. dude" gag character. Nowadays he's pretty damn complex, my main vessel to discuss body image, eating disorders, toxic relationships with narcissistic partners, fatphobia and that kind of inherent societal bias, neurodivergency (specially autism) and how that affects relationships, the intense landscape of working while neurodivergent and being overworked, burnout, depression, suicide and different forms of self harm, love, feeling unloveable and it's logistics, and lastly healthy relationships for comparison and acceptance of yourself and your body. Uh… yeah, it started from a silly doodle of a coked up, high as a cloud gamer guy wearing a beanie and glasses that I drew in 2019 at age 14. He's not a drug addict this time so… at least he's gotten better in this point (I made another character be the drug addict lol)

When I was like… 11 I made a character who was literally the edgiest idea of a character that an 11 year old could come up with, who was, NO JOKE, A FUSION OF PURPLE GUY AND THE PUPPET FROM FNAF. They were gender-fluid (I didn't even know that term existed at the time, but "they could shapeshift to be a girl or a boy" in 11 year old me's words), an alcoholic, smoked, was depressed, super powerful, all black white & purple, literally an emo, 8ft tall, super skinny, super edgy, super powerful but no one knew because they didn't use their powers often. I made it more as a joke but then I got a little too invested and eventually made him do a COMPLETE 180. Nowadays, he's William, his design is still of an 8ft. tall super skinny emo dude, but now he's tall bc he has gigantism, he's skinny from undereating due to depression, is disabled (uses crutches to walk and is an ambulatory wheelchair user), is super shy and awkward but still friendly and got bullied a lot growing up. Now he's 100% divorced from the FNAF franchise at least, but lemme tell ya, I was OBSSESSED with this character from ages 12 to 14. Like, OBSSESSED.

Another character I used to be obssessed with was Henka, and JESUS, has seen my obssession in 2020-2022, but he didn't start as a joke character, just a pretty boring plot device lol