forum What is your favourite villain type?
Started by @Kinarymo

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Backstory, actions, personality, share them all!
I kinda need some help deciding on a villain type, so hearing ur answers would help o3o

@Becfromthedead group

Irredeemable villains that you occasionally find yourself rooting for anyway.
So either a villain with such good planning and schemes that you're impressed with them, a villain with a charismatic personality, relatable motivations, etc.
One of my favorite villains would have to be Yoshikage Kira from JJBA. Definitely found myself pulling for the guy at times, even though he's completely irredeemable.


Cold and impersonal, they don't have anything against the main character except that they get in their way. Does not really hate them indifferent. Also one we sometimes end up seeing ourselves in.


I like villains that have a clear and relatable motivations. Like if something happens to the people they love and becoming the villain is the only way.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Wait- ok if you have ever seen Phinease and Ferb- Heinz Doofenshmirtz. That's my favorite type of villain. There was one episode where (Perry) was annoyed at his lame scheme, and flew off, Leaving Heinz there. He stood there for a second and flew off yelling: "My scheme is evil! Come back and thrwart me!" That's definetly one of my favorites.


Wait- ok if you have ever seen Phinease and Ferb- Heinz Doofenshmirtz. That's my favorite type of villain. There was one episode where (Perry) was annoyed at his lame scheme, and flew off, Leaving Heinz there. He stood there for a second and flew off yelling: "My scheme is evil! Come back and thrwart me!" That's definetly one of my favorites.

Yes….this wins.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Wait- ok if you have ever seen Phinease and Ferb- Heinz Doofenshmirtz. That's my favorite type of villain. There was one episode where (Perry) was annoyed at his lame scheme, and flew off, Leaving Heinz there. He stood there for a second and flew off yelling: "My scheme is evil! Come back and thrwart me!" That's definetly one of my favorites.

Yes….this wins.


Deleted user

probably the psychopathic ones that seem like they're just causing chaos randomly but they actually have a game plan and are just having fun while pulling all the strings- knowing they're in control


probably the psychopathic ones that seem like they're just causing chaos randomly but they actually have a game plan and are just having fun while pulling all the strings- knowing they're in control

yo it's wild that you mention that because I'm actually working on a villain a lot like that. At first she just seems like an insane and chaotic person but as the story progresses you start to realize how much control she has and how she's been planning everything out carefully.

@HighPockets group

I'm a sucker for Chessmaster-type villains, but I also love villains with backstories that are tragic enough for you to feel bad for them and sympathize, but not excuse their actions.
Some of my favorite villains include: Darth Maul, Queen Levana, Minya (is she really a villain? I guess she is in the first book), the Creature, President Snow and President Coin, Emperor Palpatine, Claudius, Oberon and Puck, and Lady Macbeth (<3)

Deleted user

probably the psychopathic ones that seem like they're just causing chaos randomly but they actually have a game plan and are just having fun while pulling all the strings- knowing they're in control

yo it's wild that you mention that because I'm actually working on a villain a lot like that. At first she just seems like an insane and chaotic person but as the story progresses you start to realize how much control she has and how she's been planning everything out carefully.

holy shit dude, now you're gonna have to give me more details cause im interested-

@Fangirl616 group

My fav type is either the idiot: (goofball who has no idea what their doing)
and the relateable. One who you can see their motives, and see yourself in. The kind that shows that you're one bad day away from being just. like. them.

And then when they try to explain this to the hero they get punched.

@Mojack group

dunno how to explain it but think of King Ghidorah 2019 from Godzilla

Like you have the intelligent middle head then you have his two goons, the side heads, the henchmen. Ichi, Ni, and San/Kevin.
The middle head is like the leader then the right head is the aggressive follower of the middle head, always ready for battle and then you've got the curious head, the left one. Now replace heads to people and you've got one of my favourite villain types. But together they're still a pretty fearsome force.

villains for me dont need to be relatable. might be biased here; i might just be a big fan of giant monsters/unspeakable creatures. "you just wanted to see the giant monsters fight, didn't you."

I also like, speaking of monsters, really scary looking creatures but in reality they're kind of chill/don't know they're a villain.

again, also a fan of irredeemable villains.

@HighPockets group

I'm a big fan of villains who end up redeeming themselves later on, but specifically when a hero and a seemingly-major antagonist team up to fight the real villain, that's the good stuff.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Villains that are The Villain, but also sort of a father/mother-figure for the hero. Or villains that have a soft spot for their idiotic henchmen. Or both! It just makes the villain so much more 3-dimensional, and makes the good guys feel all sorts of lovely angst/internal conflict when fighting them XD