forum What Do You Think My Characters Are Based On Their Names?
Started by @wake-read-eat-sleep

people_alt 5 followers


They're all human. Just tell me what vibe they give off.

Phoenix Masterdon
Charlie Powell
Miles Redford
Dustin Kayur
Emerald Brynn
Petree Gussteff
Triq Yurin
Caidence Maxwell
Perth Bane
Ashley Ferne

@Becfromthedead group

Phoenix Masterdon- Super cool, edgy protagonist, name just kind of reminds me of fire
Charlie Powell- Probably would be sorted into Hufflepuff, hardworking friend of a protagonist
Miles Redford-
Dustin Kayur-
Emerald Brynn- Total girly-girl, but she's also very strong and knows what she wants and what she believes in
Petree Gussteff-
Triq Yurin
Caidence Maxwell-
Perth Bane- Serious but cool strong female character who is good at fighting and great in a crisis
Ashley Ferne-
(I will come back and edit this later!)


Phoenix Masterdon: probably the main character, acts cool around important people but is super chill around friends; acts like he doesn't care but actually does; reads lots of books; he could be bisexual but no one knows for sure
Charlie Powell: worrisome best friend of Phoenix, or whoever is the main. Is there to try and act as the mom friend but he isn't very good at it; discourages dangerous stuff but usually joins in and has a GREAT time; a horrible singer
Miles Redford: next friend in the group; encourages dumb actions and usually gives Charlie several heart attacks a day; carefree and funloving; joker of the group; eats eggs with ketchup
Dustin Kayur: possible love interest of the main? the friend who is strangely good at getting people to open up to him; he seems like a good dude to talk to but ends up betraying the main to the enemy; a lesser version of Draco Malfoy; has thought about getting a mohawk at least twice
Emerald Brynn: also possible love interest of the main? seems all cute and innocent at first but if you need someone beat up, she's there to do it for you; probably knows taekwondo; has the best eyeliner out of everyone in the story
Petree Gussteff: rich bitch; "my father will hear about this"; good friends with Dustin; not the villain but not a hero; rude to all the mains but not Emerald; once bought five hundred avocados on a bet
Triq Yurin: doesn't need a gender; they've probably stolen something in their life; could possibly be the villain; has several piercings; probably has an "I heart mom" tattoo on their left bicep
Caidence Maxwell: the villain for no reason other than she was bored and likes to be in control; wears pretty bows in her hair and skirts; has definitely killed a man; really scary; would sell her comrades to Satan for one corn chip
Perth Bane: badass; also a villain; is she dating Caidence? maybe; here for the banter; she would be the one that has several weapons stashed all over her body, in her boots, in her pockets, waistband, in her hair?? how; once crashed her car into a post office because she was yelling at someone across the street
Ashley Ferne: definitely a villain; hates her name; likes to do stuff she can't do; she once tried jumping from one roof of a building to another and fell and broke her arm and leg; reckless and kind of dumb; "road work ahead? uh yeah I sure hope it does"; watches vine compilations instead of doing her job


Phoenix Masterdon- the cool guy, a bit hot-headed, defiantly the "leader" of the group, sometimes stubborn or arrogant but cares about his friends more than anything

Charlie Powell- the best friend, makes friends with everyone really easily, thinks he's useless to the team but is actually is the voice of reason and compassion

Miles Redford- the cautious nerd, the smartest guy in the group but also the most paranoid, he's the one always going, "LET'S TRY NOT TO GET ANYONE KILLED TODAY, YA IDIOTS!"

Dustin Kayur- the quiet but wise, oldest guy in the group, takes care of the reckless teens and cooks the food, barely talks but when he does it's usually something very wise/inspiring

Emerald Brynn- the prudent, always excels at everything she does, calm and collected, and some might say she's the real leader of the group, always polite and kind but YOU DO NOT WANT TO MAKE HER MAD

Petree Gussteff- the nature dude, always befriends animals and such, bit eccentric, most likely vegan, knows the names of all plant-life they encounter, could find his way home by the stars

Triq Yurin- the bilingual kid, speaks like five different languages, pretends to not speak English when not feeling like socializing, usually pretty happy-go-lucky and doesn't give a crap

Caidence Maxwell- the princess, sophisticated and slightly haughty, believes to be the smartest of the group and often gets in fights with Miles, actually the strongest second to Emerald wth

Perth Bane- the moody teen, emo, black hair, "isn't here to make friends" makes tons of friends anyways, super serious about everything, Edgy McEdgelord over here

Ashley Ferne- the bookworm, quite blunt and speaks her mind, introverted and prefers to be alone, probably has some sort of tragic past, roasts everyone in the group more than anyone else


Sigh Charlie is a girl. sigh Phoenix is a girl.

Answer Keys (Sort of):
Phoenix: Is a girl. Short-tempered, intelligent, slightly bossy
Charlie: Is a girl. Friendly, kind, unsure of everything, relies on others to make decisions, Phoenix's sort-of-forced sidekick
Miles: Randomly awkward and basically the non-speaking version of Charlie
Dustin: Wise-ish. Always "knows whats best", but that can get him into arguments. Literally Phoenix's worst enemy ever
Emerald: Sorta the princess, always does her duties while being bossy and snobby at the same time.
Petree: Is a girl. Thief, deceptive, and flexible.
Triq: Filipino-American, kind of like those African kids who always see the bright side of things
Caidence: Emerald's worst enemy ever.
Perth: Is a girl, by the way. Reckless, good with weapons, Impulsive, gloomy, dark,
Ashley: Is a boy. Smart, nerdy, book-ish

Most of you got most of them right…


note: I did not look at the actual definitions, just glanced at Phoenix and Charlie's genders

Phoenix Masterdon: so a girl, apparently. Kind of like that fiery kind of protagonist, with sass (I think she's protagonist cause she's at the top of the list)
Charlie Powell: the smart one
Miles Redford: either the athletic kid or the geek. there is no in between.
Dustin Kayur: love interest?
Emerald Brynn: could be the antagonist, or could be a best friend
Petree Gussteff: no idea
Triq Yurin: say what now
Caidence Maxwell: what
Perth Bane: This name is familiar
Ashley Ferne: pretty, nice, etc