forum Various Character Interaction Snips
Started by CC Heart

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CC Heart

(I write in a multiverse, so same characters in different works. Same 'verse within each post, but possibly-different universes for separate comments.)

CC Heart

The raven-haired komodo shifter raised a single finger away from his glass. "See, there's your mistake."


"Thinking that I'm doing it because nothing's wrong." At his questioning look, Damios snorted, downing that glass and grabbing several more from a passing waiter. "You've been silent most of the night, and silence means you are plotting, Leo. And knowing what I know about your plots, I am getting drunk so regardless of what trouble you inevitably get us into, I won't be sober enough to feel it."

He really should have known Leo better by now. "That would have to be very drunk, indeed."

Damios groaned dramatically and swigged back another glass with single-minded determination. "Hate you, Leo."


"So much."

"So, what's our plan?"

"Weren't you just earlier complaining about my plotting?"

"Me?" Damios asked with too much innocence. "Never," he asserted.

Leo pressed his tongue to the roof of his mouth and hissed.

It didn't translate well– most komodo turns of phrase didn't translate well into general parlance. The general meaning of that one in particular was 'liar', but the word alone didn't convey the intent.

'Ash-eater. May you choke on the bitter ashes.'

Damios determinedly ignored the insult, not surrendering the prey before him for the prey behind him.

Leo gave an amused huff and tilted his head in acknowledgment. "You're going to stay here. You'll just get in the way in your current state."

"And you?"

"I'm going to get wicked." He turned and headed for the ballroom.

"What's going to happen?" he could hear Snow ask behind him.

"Knowing Leo? Bring the whole place down around our ears, probably."

"I was kidding about bringing the castle down on us, Leo!"

"Shut up and run faster!"

They didn't have their bags, every single one of them was missing at least two items of clothing, and their only shelter from the Alaskan wilderness lay in a mountain of crystalline shards before them. And honestly, the only thing Leo could think to say was, "I hope you didn't leave anything vital in our room."

"Besides our IDs, our passports, our clothes, and all our money?" Damios snarked. "No, not a thing."

"Well, at least we didn't lose anything important."

"…Have I mentioned lately I hate your plotting?"


"Good. Because I do. A lot."

Some still-standing part fell over with a sound like glass wind chimes, leaving silence in its wake.

"So much."

CC Heart

"Leo?" He doesn't bother looking up from his sorting or shouting where he is. Ferroc finds him in the 'attic' separating his art into piles. "What are you doing?" Sunstone eyes widen and Leo suspects it's the half-empty, open bottle next to him that catches the redhead's attention. "Are you drinking? Rein and I took you out to get drunk on your birthday and you had half a beer. You don't like alcohol."

He carefully considers exactly how he wants to phrase one of the very many possible answers to the implied question there, then realizes that they're all close enough that it likely doesn't matter. He goes back to sorting through his things. "There are a lot of things in this room I don't like." And all of them so conveniently flammable, too.

CC Heart

There's the fleshy thud of impact, and a sound he recognizes well. The snap of bone, to an outside observer, it a has a more dull quality than when you're the person it happens to, Leo decides. It's a wet, hollow kind of crack at odds with how it feels on the other end. When there's a hard snap and sense of impact; the barest moment of waiting before the sharp, red-hot pain erases everything else.

It doesn't feel the way it sounds like it should. Doesn't sound the way it feels like it must.

CC Heart

(Tags: LGBT, sexual innuendo)

"Does my skin look 'mocha' to you?"

"Uh… what?"

"My skin," Sidiro asked, holding out his arm and shaking his wrist in emphasis like that would clear up anything at all. "Does it look 'mocha' to you?"

"As opposed to what?"

"I dunno… Cream? Coffee?"

Leo scrutinized the arm and tilted his head. "I don't know. You look kind of coffee-y, I guess? Why are you asking?"

"Girl in front of me wasn't paying attention to the professor–"

"Which you know because you weren't paying attention to the professor…"

"Beside the point! And she was writing a poem or something and the term 'skin like mocha' came up."

Leo shrugged. "I couldn't say one way or the other. I don't think about your skin much, I'm more interested in–"

"My hair. I know."

"I refuse to apologize."

"So what color do you associate my hair with, then?"

"Mahogany. Sunlight on mahogany with the highlights and lowlights."

Sidiro snorted. "Fetishist."

Leo gave him his best, driest look in response.

"Hey, I'm saying because I know. If anyone has experience, it's me!"

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever." The more he thought about it, though… "It'd be nice if we could order people like food, wouldn't it?"

"YES!" Sidiro cried, like he'd been waiting for exactly that question. "I'd like one extra-tall mocha-frappe boyfriend, please. Eight-inch cock if possible."

Leo snickered. "Extra cream?"

"Give me all the cream!"

CC Heart

Fun antics with the Tristan Track and Relay team~

(Author Note: T.K. Stands for Taichai Kobe, nickname Tai.)


"It stands for muphph–" The rest of whatever he was going to say was cut off by the tall one's hand over his mouth.

"Ignore him. Let's just say that Tai's full name is something of a mouthful and he prefers nicknames," the tall one said with a smile, completely oblivious to his friend's frantic struggles to remove his hand.


Diarmuid groaned and tried to shake Rai off. "You are such an ass. You are three kinds of ass. You are entirely, all ass."

"Are you calling me fat?"

"That's what you got from that?"

"You called me all ass, how is that not a segue into 'your ass is huge, by the way'?"

"You're looking for compliments on your ass, and I am not going to give them to you."

"Wouldn't want to make Roy jealous~"

"That is so not– You– ugh! Don't you have anyone else to torment? Is Tai busy or something?"

"T.K. is one-hundred percent pure Kobe beefsteak~"

Roy looped an arm around his neck and pulled him in for a noogie. "You're lucky none of us are Jewish and into that Kosher thing because you are four-hundred percent pure ham."

"Not-eating me can only be a good thing. Cannibalism is not-cool, bro."

"No… It's not."

An awkward second, and then Rai pulled out of Roy's hold. "Besides, you'd have to catch me first, and we all know that's not happening."

A kind of stunned silence followed this presumption. "Oh, you did not just go there."

Rai made 'bring it' motions. "Oh, I went there. And what are you gonna do about it?"

"Well, first, I'm going to catch you get back here, Rai! You coward! Stand and fight like a man!"

Azu flopped on her back. "Gah, how can you handle them? I'm getting tired just watching!"

Lucca smiled. 'I like them,' he signed. 'They're Good People.'

"T.K. gets sore about his name because it's pronounced 'Tie-kay' but it's spelt 'chai', like the snooty French tea."

Diarmuid dug his knuckles into Rai's scalp. "Chai tea isn't French, numbskull. It comes from India. It's literally the word for 'tea'. You fail languages forever."

Hari started counting on his fingers. "And also history, social studies, math, science…"

"Slander!" Rai cried.

"I'm like seventy percent sure you don't even know what that word means."

"It means bad things."

Hari scratched his cheek. "Well, he's not wrong…"

"Sweet! A cell phone!" Di grabbed the phone right out of his hands. "Hey! What's the deal?"

"No phone for you is what the deal is. Who on this team, a) deserves a cell phone, and b) won't break, lose, or otherwise abuse one?" He handed it off to Saria, then pointed at Rai. "You would just drain all the battery playing Fury Birds."

"I would not!"

"You would so."



Rai raised a finger dramatically– and let it drop. "That was one time."

CC Heart

"Stop worrying. Especially about me. You suck at it, anyway."

Rein puffed up indignantly. "I am a world-class worrier, I'll have you know! I worry like a champion."

"No, you worry like an idiot, because that's what you are. You are a world-class idiot."

"You are mean. Mean and rude."

"Yes. The fact that you're only just now realizing this? That's what makes you an idiot."

CC Heart

(Character is named Valkyrian Knight.)

"I /hate\ being called Val, and without fail, everyone I tell my full name to fucking calls me Val." A momentary pause. "Except for goddamn Mrs. Galespie always called me Valka for some reason… And if that's the case, I'll just choose my own nickname."

"Why do you hate the name Val?"

"Do you have any idea how many names Val is short for?"




"Valiant, Valor, Valma–"





"Vala Mal~"

The answers came from everyone all at once and it was impossible to sort out who'd said what.

Kyrian waited until the dull roar of the name-flood faded and removed her fingers from her ears. "And that is why I hate being called Val."

CC Heart

(Kyrian here doesn't mention it because she is 1)Making a point, 2) talking from the second side of the conversation and 3) talking with friends who get her,
So I'll say it for her: I acknowledge the privilege she's showing here.)

"It sucks from this side, too. Here I am, not possible to be any more white–" Kyrian motioned to her albino self. "–but unfortunately, I also happen to have a pair of tits–" She crossed her arms under said generous chest. "–so every other consideration is promptly defenestrated for the sake of convenience because 'oooh, boobs'."

"Other things are what?"

"Defenestrated. Thrown out a window," Leo clarified.

"There's a word for that?!"

CC Heart

CW: Language, talk\implications of past abuse.

"Pets aren't humans."

"You're right about that," Leo admitted. "Pets are a hell of a lot better and frankly I find it insulting that you actually compare them to the scum of the earth."

"How dare you–"

"I dare because my father killed my cat but my cat never killed my father, and I honestly would have done better without my father than I have been without Shush."

"Don't say that! That's your family!"

Leo went very still for a moment and visibly took a deep, calming breath. "I'm going to assume that you're just trying to think the best of people. But one, you didn't know my father and I have a lifetime of experience, so you can just shut the fuck up. And two, even if you think you knew my father, I have scars on my back that prove otherwise, so you can just SHUT THE FUCK UP."

CC Heart

"It's Tavashi! Ta-va-shi! Kikara Tavashi!" Kika enunciated.

Damios rolled over with a huff. "Why does bother you so much?"

"It bothers me because it's wrong. You keep saying it taah-vashi. It's 'tava-shi'. Taaavaa. Like how you say lava."

"Lava," Damios teased, enunciating the 'A' sound. And then, "Ooomph!" as Kika hit him in the face with a throw pillow.

"You're doing it on purpose, you ass!"

"Gods. Why are you all invading my house?" Leo wondered aloud.

"Because you are a poor, impoverished college student, and thus have far less furniture for us to haul out of the way to make room for sleeping," he was informed.

That was technically true. Once the coffee-table\footrest was pushed up under the small counter space that separated the living room from the kitchen, the armchair moved in front of it, and the couch pushed up against the wall, it left the entire living room open for sleeping bags.

Leo gave in with a sigh. And a stipulation. "I get the couch."

"But why do you get to reign supreme over everyone?"

"Because it's my couch. Because I don't have a sleeping bag. Because I said so. Pick a reason."

"Because you're small and easier to step on in the night."

"Kika," Leo requested.

"Oomph!" came the sound of Damios being hit with the pillow again.