forum Unique names thread!!
Started by @SassyWitch

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Am i the only one who LOVES giving unique and/or weird sounding names for my characters? But i'm always recycling the same ones and i start to find it kinda boring… Anyone is having ideas that they would like to share?

@Steampunk Rose

I agree, unique and weird names are the best. I'm not sure how helpful this is, but I like using name generators in general, just to see what they give you. But, mostly I just smash some letters together and then try to pronounce them. It almost always turns out unique and/or weird names, but I don't know how practical it is ^^;

Yeah my characters are weird:
Azdan Lee
Thade Lee
All of them have a meaning. All except Igniatus and Terran were unintentional. All names fit the characters elemental status and personality.


I somehow run into the same problem at times, despite having a list of 3,500+ female names, and 6,000+ male names. Whenever I run into the issue I go on a name-searching binge or compile a list of the names I like and run them through a mixing program & jot down the results I like.


@SassyWitch: You are not the only one who gives unique and/or weird-sounding names to characters. I like to do that as well. I would like to share the unique names of two of my characters: Molniya and Tximista. These weird names came about as I was searching for the word "lightning" in different languages, and a recurring theme in my universe and stories happens to be related to the use of lightning as a magical power.

Deleted user

Dude, I have a lot of characters especially when you add them all up. Here are some weird names I either made up or pulled from Fantasy Name Generator. Here is a link for it:
Klyria DeSuko
Igolide (it means gold in Zulu)
Faybl (instead of Fable)
And those are just some!

@threesacult group

Name generators are good! They can get repetitive, though, and are often Eurocentric. I've personally found weird names by looking up the scientific names of plants, as strange as that sounds. I'll look for lists of poisonous plants, for instance, and shorten anything interesting I find into something that sounds like a name. That's how I got the names Cyrus and Quillette. Sometimes I'll also find a side character in a book I like the name of and steal it—for instance, I got Quill's surname of Twycross from a random background character in Harry Potter. You can also, to an extent, just pick whatever sounds interesting—Cyrus' last name is Hecate, which is the Greek goddess of magic and ghosts. It ties into her backstory a little, but it mostly just sounds intriguing. I'd be wary not to overdo that for every character, though.

@Williamnot group

My antagonists last name is Mallefick, which isn't a real name, he just took malefique (french for evil one, he knows hat he's about) and misspelled it for an alias.