forum Thought dumps ?
Started by @stolenbrocoli group

people_alt 58 followers

@ccb group

sort of; i have multiple very long notes in my notes app that contain random and disordered thoughts about my story, made even more random and disordered by the fact that i keep refusing to consolidate them into one note. sometimes i have to dig through them for like an hour to find one little piece of information i wrote down. maybe someday i'll do something to fix that? haha

@stolenbrocoli group

Me too ! I've been meaning to get around to organizing it a bit more but its just so much to sort through. So far the only organization i have is character deaths, quotes, and how i'm gonna end each book. But outside of those categories there's SO MUCH! I might organize it by which character it pertains to but it'll be so much work. I'm not looking forward to it :/

Deleted user

I have a composition notebook of random ideas. Also song lyrics. And lists. So many lists.

Deleted user

they're just…like…in my head
i can't write them down until they need to be or sometimes i won't like it later


I open my brain and an endless flood of quips, crazy shot compositions, character arcs, plot twists, theme songs, fight choreographies, and a floppityjillion other things