forum Tell me about your characters and I'll give them one of mine to be friends with (plus a free headcanon)
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

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As soon as I saw her personality, I was like, "Yeah, she'd be friends with Jay." It was a pretty quick decision, both being closed off loners who are very sarcastic. I feel like this friendship would start off horribly, mostly exchanging insults and sarcastic remarks, but they'd gradually lower their walls around each other as they realize that maybe they aren't so different.

Free headcanon! Once they are close, both are incredibly loyal. They both enjoy drawing and will exchange art fairly often, and Jay is always impressed by Savannah's artistic abilities. Most of their conversations are filled with playful sarcasm and resulting laughter, but on the very rare occasion that Savannah mentions her family, Jay's tone becomes angry. He dislikes them for how they've treated her, and he would actually fight them if he ever had to.

@TouchOfColor group

Here's one! One of my supporting characters is named Illyan Rensk, but he demands that everybody call him Illy. He is a very rich young man who lives in the capital city. His father is politician. When Illy was a child, he caught a plague called the starfall sickness, which is comparable to real-life meningitis. He survived but it left him chronically ill, prone to fainting spells, fevers, and migraines. Illy's mother died in childbirth and his father became aloof and chilly afterward. He has no siblings and was raised by his nurses. His only friends were the children of his father's colleagues, and he finds them cruel and uninteresting for the most part. His first true friend is Royka, a doctor's son who ends up treating him for his chronic illness while the doctor is away. Royka and Illy become fast, close friends. Illy is a lonely person but he compensates for this by being upbeat, bright, and friendly. He loves to make friends and wishes he had more. He can also be sort of bad with boundaries because he wasn't raised around people his age. Illy is sweet and loyal to the people he loves.