forum Talk about your characters with me!
Started by @Adorkable_Hedgehog

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Mercado is a very hispanic last name. Maybe throw in some latin or hispanic roots? I don't really know what you mean when you say accidents are his motivation. I suggest you elaborate on that more. Prejudices can range from anything to "everyone who has dropped out of college is a failure" or "people who are racist are moronic". What does he not like? You can even go with bullying and suicide, since that happened to his sister. With religion I think he is a non-practicing Catholic.


I love your character! I like the way the story sounds so far as well. Male rape victims are so underrepresented in media, and it makes me happy to see someone bringing light to the subject. I like that he's bisexual and has female traits and masculine traits. It balances him out. I'm curious to see how Aleksandr's Russian ethnicity plays a part in his life. Do toxic masculine stereotypes and cultural expectations effect him? Does he speak Russian? After six years living in a country, he must know the language, right? I'm learning Russian right now, actually, and I'd love to see some of the language incorporated into the story. (Have you looked into Russian diminutives?)

I want to give him a hug :)



He has a lot of room for character development, and that's ideal. I hope he learns to love himself, even with all his scars. Right now, they're a sign of weakness, but I hope he one day sees them as proof of his strength. It seems he's too professional and serious for his own good. I feel like he's a person who puts a lot of thought into his plans, but lets his craving for revenge get in the way.

You've got a good character.


These two are the main husband/wife duo in this musical I'm writing… I’ve asked a few people about these two already, but I want to get as many opinions as I can to make them as interesting and sympathetic as possible.

