that’s it that’s the post. I may reuse mushrooms because some of them are quite iconic and I enjoy talking about them
that’s it that’s the post. I may reuse mushrooms because some of them are quite iconic and I enjoy talking about them
ooo this looks fun!
offering my boy theo :D
Im curious and this sounds fun
here's my girl
ooo this looks fun!
offering my boy theo :D
after a lot of careful thinking (googling pictures of random russulas at 12 am and deciding whether or not they would like samoyeds) I have determined Theo there is a Purple Brittlegill
my main reasoning being that the cap reminds me of his hair, but also he’s described as having a well-built figure and brittlegills tend to be good at that
purple brittlegills are usually edible (last I checked) with a spicy flavor when raw that gets milder once cooked, and they’re commonly found growing near oak trees! as with most shrooms in the russula family, they’re tough and strong-standing yet brittle and can easily snap under pressure. slugs adore them! :D
I have no scientific reason for this but I feel like they’d absolutely throw hands if they knew how. like they’re not parasitic, they’re actually kinda gentle and can often be hosts to other parasitic fungi (lobster mushrooms, for example), but the fact that they can be spicy like a pepper makes me think they’d be quite rebellious and pack a punch. I mean they’ve already rebelled against normal mushroom flavors and they have purple caps so it’s only natural, right? but then again all mushrooms are rebellious in their own way, it’s only a matter of time before they gain sentience and fight god
i lost track of time so I will get to savannah tomorrow when it’s not an ungodly hour of the night
you're all good, im enjoying reading about these mushrooms!
Mushrooms are very cool so I wanna try this
ooo this looks fun!
offering my boy theo :Dafter a lot of careful thinking (googling pictures of random russulas at 12 am and deciding whether or not they would like samoyeds) I have determined Theo there is a Purple Brittlegill
my main reasoning being that the cap reminds me of his hair, but also he’s described as having a well-built figure and brittlegills tend to be good at that
purple brittlegills are usually edible (last I checked) with a spicy flavor when raw that gets milder once cooked, and they’re commonly found growing near oak trees! as with most shrooms in the russula family, they’re tough and strong-standing yet brittle and can easily snap under pressure. slugs adore them! :D
I have no scientific reason for this but I feel like they’d absolutely throw hands if they knew how. like they’re not parasitic, they’re actually kinda gentle and can often be hosts to other parasitic fungi (lobster mushrooms, for example), but the fact that they can be spicy like a pepper makes me think they’d be quite rebellious and pack a punch. I mean they’ve already rebelled against normal mushroom flavors and they have purple caps so it’s only natural, right? but then again all mushrooms are rebellious in their own way, it’s only a matter of time before they gain sentience and fight god
interesting!! this does seem like a very theo mushroom :D
Im curious and this sounds fun
here's my girl
Savannah is a Panther cap!
I feel like any character described as an assassin legally has to be an Amanita. the Amanita family is arguably the most iconic of all, containing some of the most recognizable mushrooms in the world, as well as the deadliest!
Panther caps specifically are considered rare, they only really like beech trees, and they’re hard to spot outside of Europe. They’re still very recognizable though, partially due to their similarities with blushers and fly agarics, but also from their fuzzy panther-like white spots. They’re incredibly poisonous, but unlike most other toxic mushrooms, they don’t have any bitter taste to warn you! In fact, they’re usually quite delicious, making it hard to realize what you’re eating until it’s too late. If that’s not enough though, they’re also very psychoactive, and while they have quite the history of recreational use, be warned that unlike magic mushrooms, the trip is rarely described as pleasant. More like a nightmare that you can’t wake up from.
They aren’t all scary though! they play an important role in the ecosystem, repelling harmful insects from their host trees, providing food for deer, and they even act as umbrellas for small critters! a great mushroom to have around :D
Im curious and this sounds fun
here's my girlSavannah is a Panther cap!
I feel like any character described as an assassin legally has to be an Amanita. the Amanita family is arguably the most iconic of all, containing some of the most recognizable mushrooms in the world, as well as the deadliest!
Panther caps specifically are considered rare, they only really like beech trees, and they’re hard to spot outside of Europe. They’re still very recognizable though, partially due to their similarities with blushers and fly agarics, but also from their fuzzy panther-like white spots. They’re incredibly poisonous, but unlike most other toxic mushrooms, they don’t have any bitter taste to warn you! In fact, they’re usually quite delicious, making it hard to realize what you’re eating until it’s too late. If that’s not enough though, they’re also very psychoactive, and while they have quite the history of recreational use, be warned that unlike magic mushrooms, the trip is rarely described as pleasant. More like a nightmare that you can’t wake up from.They aren’t all scary though! they play an important role in the ecosystem, repelling harmful insects from their host trees, providing food for deer, and they even act as umbrellas for small critters! a great mushroom to have around :D
Im actually in love with this adorable but deadly little shroom. Im def gonna research it later!
Mushrooms are very cool so I wanna try this
Juniper is a shaggy ink cap!
a personal favorite of mine, shaggy ink caps (also known as shaggy manes) are a common wild edible from the Coprinus/ink cap family. They’re considered one of the easiest mushrooms to identify because they have practically no lookalikes! I think they fit Juniper well because. I love them both. and I want to protect them both.
shaggy ink caps are incredibly fragile, which is why you never see them sold in markets. You have to pick them young before either aging or the elements get to them, then they break easy, they bruise easy, and sometimes less than 4 hours after picking, they melt into an inky puddle of spores. the spore ink can still be used for writing, artwork, fabric dye, or even food!
they typically grow on decomposing wood, leaves, or compost, in both open fields and forests alike. sometimes in shy hidden places, sometimes they take over entire football fields! they’re quickly becoming one of the more iconic species as many people have latched onto their soft, gothic appearance. and I mean, who can blame them? I don’t even wanna get married but if I did I’d want my wedding dress to look like one of these :0
gentle, unique, and beloved. I adore
Mushrooms are very cool so I wanna try this
Juniper is a shaggy ink cap!
a personal favorite of mine, shaggy ink caps (also known as shaggy manes) are a common wild edible from the Coprinus/ink cap family. They’re considered one of the easiest mushrooms to identify because they have practically no lookalikes! I think they fit Juniper well because. I love them both. and I want to protect them both.
shaggy ink caps are incredibly fragile, which is why you never see them sold in markets. You have to pick them young before either aging or the elements get to them, then they break easy, they bruise easy, and sometimes less than 4 hours after picking, they melt into an inky puddle of spores. the spore ink can still be used for writing, artwork, fabric dye, or even food!
they typically grow on decomposing wood, leaves, or compost, in both open fields and forests alike. sometimes in shy hidden places, sometimes they take over entire football fields! they’re quickly becoming one of the more iconic species as many people have latched onto their soft, gothic appearance. and I mean, who can blame them? I don’t even wanna get married but if I did I’d want my wedding dress to look like one of these :0gentle, unique, and beloved. I adore
Awww it’s such a precious lil guy :0
Also I feel like every time I share Juni’s character page to someone they just want to protect her lol
oh kody is definitely a black trumpet/devil’s horn/horn-of-death mushroom!
I hardly need to explain my reasoning here, it doesn’t get much more gothic royalty than this.
black trumpets are known for their trumpet-like shape, their dark, evil appearance, and their… smoky truffle flavor? that’s right, the horn of death mushroom is actually completely edible and non-toxic! in fact it’s one of very few mushrooms that can be safely eaten raw. and that’s only one of the deceptions this mushroom is known for! Despite being a very beginner-friendly forage with few lookalikes, these guys are masters of camouflage, and typically only experienced mushroom hunters will know where to look. They grow in clusters though and multiply very quickly, so once you find one, you’ll certainly find more!
They’re a part of the chanterelle family, which are all commonly known (by me) for being pretentious asf (I found chanterelles in my yard one time and when I looked up recipes for them I was greeted with one spoonful of chanterelle ice cream, paired with a single french madeline and some powdered sugar. people talk about their floral fruity undertones like expensive wine. I ended up just putting them in instant ramen lmao), you can often find them sold at high-end fine dining restaurants for half your paycheck, or in the dirt around an old oak for free!
I really like their names though. like they’re just mushrooms but dramatic? imagine coming home from foraging and telling your roommate “yeah, I just got back from harvesting devil’s horns”. that sounds cool asf I love it
oh kody is definitely a black trumpet/devil’s horn/horn-of-death mushroom!
I hardly need to explain my reasoning here, it doesn’t get much more gothic royalty than this.
black trumpets are known for their trumpet-like shape, their dark, evil appearance, and their… smoky truffle flavor? that’s right, the horn of death mushroom is actually completely edible and non-toxic! in fact it’s one of very few mushrooms that can be safely eaten raw. and that’s only one of the deceptions this mushroom is known for! Despite being a very beginner-friendly forage with few lookalikes, these guys are masters of camouflage, and typically only experienced mushroom hunters will know where to look. They grow in clusters though and multiply very quickly, so once you find one, you’ll certainly find more!
They’re a part of the chanterelle family, which are all commonly known (by me) for being pretentious asf (I found chanterelles in my yard one time and when I looked up recipes for them I was greeted with one spoonful of chanterelle ice cream, paired with a single french madeline and some powdered sugar. people talk about their floral fruity undertones like expensive wine. I ended up just putting them in instant ramen lmao), you can often find them sold at high-end fine dining restaurants for half your paycheck, or in the dirt around an old oak for free!
I really like their names though. like they’re just mushrooms but dramatic? imagine coming home from foraging and telling your roommate “yeah, I just got back from harvesting devil’s horns”. that sounds cool asf I love it
Oh my god I love it- it’s perfect and the fact that it’s actually not dangerous kinda fits him too 😂
do you mind if I send another one?
Wow. This is fascinating! Would you like to try finding a mushroom for Monyi?
He’s not human (or humanlike) as most of the characters here are. If you choose to find a mushroom for him, then I hope you’ll find Monyi a nice change of pace.
here's my other girl
Ahh I adore this idea so much! Here is my girl Sam!
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