forum Sense 8 game
Started by @Twitchy

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No rp, just, if you could write your own version of sense 8 (netflix tv show) what characters would you have? Give as much or as little as you want, and remember, they must all be the same age :P .


Age of rebirth: 18

  • A homeless thief. Charlie was fourteen when he ran away from home in sheffield, England. He spent most of his life living in a town centre or two, travelling between each, taking what money he could from people's purses and pockets when they were too busy listening to music. He hated it, but he knew this life was better than the abuse he had received from his mother. His father, too scared to help him. The first few years drove Charlie mad until he met Vivi, a boy only a few months older than him. The two had travelled together ever since.
  • A depressed writer. Japan was a mysterious place and Yuki had loved every second of her birth to the moment that she saw her home burn with her parents inside. From that day, she quickly grew sick of the comments like, "Yuki, you have a lovely smile. You should smile more." from her Grandmother. She used to write love poems, and short happy stories, but the words had grown stiff and cold, full of sadness and frustration. To expel her energy, she spends a lot of time hitting the walls of her small home.
  • A young mother. Sarah had already been hated by her church for being a lesbian, but when she was raped by her neighbour and fell pregnant, her family refused to allow her to get an abortion, while her church began to curse her further for being 'irresponsible'. Despite the trial and sentencing still going underway, she felt like all way already lost. Only the hand of her secret love keeps her sane.
  • A very tired university student. An asexual surrounded by sex-driven teens was not a life that Xana had expected when moving away from her small Greek home closer to the capital. Trying to push off the pervs and nice guys while balancing work and studying was starting to get to her, but luckily she had a skill that kept her moving.
  • A kidnapped farmer.
  • A naive soldier.
  • An agitated retail worker.
  • A huge nerd.
    (Got tired, might add to it more later)