forum Referring to My Character
Started by @AJMaskell

people_alt 8 followers


Hey so I've written this character, and for the whole novel her name remains a secret only to be revealed at the end. I've written the book in third person so the whole time she's referred to as 'she', 'her' or 'the girl'. While in conversation she is referred to as one of her aliases. Once her name is revealed then 'she', 'her', and 'the girl' are all replaced with her real name. I was wanting to know if all this is too confusing. Should I just always call her by one of her aliases or what?

@Raziel Gallephraya

It depends on how important she is to the story. If she's a very important character, just give her a nickname so you don't get confused, but if she's just not that important of a character (where she doesn't come up a lot at all) I would just stick to calling her "no-name." If you do choose to do something like that, try and keep it consistent so you don't confuse the readers.

@Raziel Gallephraya

You're very welcome and I think you should definitely call her that so that the readers know that she's important right off the bat, also that's a really cute nickname hehe