forum Pov: Your character's kid comes out as trans
Started by @s0ft_stardust group

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Tye: Okay that's nice, so is our creator. -Breaks the fourth wall-

Cade: I'm glad you figured it out!

Bee: Let's buy you a binder/shapewear and new clothes!

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

(All of my elementals..): die as soon as child with same element is born
Dawn: Sweetheart, don't cry! Guess what? Me and your parent are part of the LGBTQIA+ community as well. Mira is non-binary, you know.
Mira: Okay? Dear, I love you no matter what. Besides, Enby's are technically trans too.

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

(More cus why not)
Moss: Noice.
Hunter:kicks them out [insurt slur]'s will never be my kid.
Maria:Aww honey, what are your preferred pronouns? Do you wanna get a binder/bra? Just tell me what you need!
Jenn: Cool dude, I'll make a cake
Angie: That's lovely! What's your new name? Is there anything else I should know?
Devia: Knew it.
Katie: hugs you Thats alright with me

Deleted user

Noa: I’m so happy for you! mom hugs
Evrin: Aww I still love you. Now, who want to get a new wardrobe!!!
Quinton: makes it their life’s goal to never mess up their kids pronouns/name
Alex: Care to talk about it?
Orianna: Welcome to the community! warm mom hugs how do you feel?
Mai: Congrats rare smile


Fishstick: "Ok… you just came out as gender-faun a day ago so I'm cool with it,"
Beathony Biscuits: "Thanks dad u such a deep breath MATERIAL GURLLLLL

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Mari- "Dude! I am too! Name? Pronouns? What can I get you? I'll make a cake. Do we need to move so nobody misgenders you? Or do you have good friends here? Am I the first to know? Last to know? Anything else you want to tell me?"

Deleted user

Cody: "Cool. Whats your name and pronouns. Does Auntie Paisley know? Want to get a new wardrobe? We can burn your old stuff"
Iris: "OHMMGOODNESS I FLIPPIN KNEW KNEW IT" realizes that might have been mean "I love you. Want to go shopping?"
Oscar & Robin(married)
Oscar: crying manly twink tears of fatherly joy "I'm so proud of you"
Robin: "Aww, thank you for trusting us with that. I'll need your name, pronouns, size for a binder/bra, time in your day to go shopping, and to collect any clothes you don't want and donate them"
Quinn: a whole Material Gurl "Your my new favorite kid"
kid: "Dad I'm your only kid"
Quinn: "Doesn't mean you can't be my favorite"
Kid: "I wasn't your favorite before?!"
Jasper (genderfluid she/him) "Holy hot crispy Kentucky fried f*ck. What are your pronouns?What is your Name? Do you want hormone therapy? Do you want gender reassignment surgery? Do you want to get a new wardrobe? Do you want to reintroduce yourself? Do we need to move? Do you have supportive friends? etc…" (talking so fast he's breaking the sound barrier)

@another_Sarcastic_writer group

Sam: tearing up oh baby, I am too, what do you need? Anything at all, I promise

Savannah: I figured, but thank you for telling me. Love ya kiddo
Paris and Sammy: alright baby, we might mess up your pronouns and forget your name but please correct us. We won't get offended, we are old so we might forget


Azizi: Looks around awkwardly, then realization. "Oh that you're trans! That's what you said. Come on kiddo, let's get you some supplies - we're gonna have a good heart to heart on the way." (Azizi is a trans man)
Kiira: "You're definitely one of ours; we're known for being rebels." Crouches down to their level. "Remember, no one can tell you what your role in life is - not me or Iyanna or Ia. I'm glad you had the courage to tell me, little one." Ruffles hair and takes their hand.
Rhoten: (If he actually got the chance to be a father) "Whoever you choose to be, we'll always love you. Except a criminal. Well, maybe if it was justified it would be fine. Ah, nevermind, just be happy, we love you."


(Don't have names yet sorry) (assume the kid goes mom/dad/parent I'm trans)

Protagonist: I'm a primordial Godin mortal form and I still have to do chores so do you.

Antagonist: I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to share that with me kiddo.

Fallen goddess(she would no longer be fallen anymore): OK??? Your a God just shape shift???

Old prophet: I see that you will face lots of discrimination but you also will find love and comfort in friends and family I wish you well.

Enchantress: I think I have a spell for that. Check one of my books.

Cursed magician: okay I'm gonna have to order a new costume for stage so you might have to wear the old one until then is that okay?

Pirate scrunkly: k can you grab something bellow deck for me?

@FictionWriter09 group

Actually my character Delilah's third child (all her kids are ocs) Kennedy is Non-binary though AMAB. But yeah she is the full on supportive mom. How the family reacts She and Bradley sit down with all their children to discuss the importance of respecting their siblings pronouns-all of them are quick to pounce on anyone that says otherwise regardless that they are a Military family. Next comes a shopping trip where they are allowed to pick out more comfortable clothing/while their sisters don't mind sharing it's now to have things of their own. Same thing with their Bedroom. When Delilah and Bradley finally reconciles with the rest of their Military family again it's made clear that Kennedy's (They keep the name) identity/along with the rest of their children's identities are to be respected regardless of typical attitudes and that they made it nearly 20 yrs without their Naval family and have no problem going right back to how it was

If it takes place in Pulsares the Lies we told each other series (which I highly recommend it's a great series.) It's not Ice being trans that's the issue, it's the betrayal and dismissal of the pain the lies caused her and Jake all their lives. To find out the mother she thought abandoned her without care is actually the man she secretly wished to be her second parent growing up were actually one and the same? Cuts her heart deeper than an illusions of Rachel Seresin. Ice-pop is Ice-pop he is who HE is it's the deception that hurts


Red: okay. Go tell your grandpa, he'll make a whole royal decree or whatever. We'll go shopping later.
Floss: alright. Cool. lets go steal Flynn's clothes.
Jack: I will love you forever, it doesn't matter what you are. You shall be always loved and accapted in this family. I love you. Lets go get ice cream.
Emma (since she's paired up with Jack): what he said.
Sunny: Alright twit. I'll make you the best-looking woman/man in all the kingdoms! Let me just find you a perfect outfit and/or cut your hair.


W: "Yeah, me too, get in line." He foolishly laughs at his own joke, before confiding in himself. "Sorry- congrats. You want to go shopping?"
An: "Uhm. Talk to your other dad about that." Referring to W. "I know jack all about that."
L: "Ok…" Dude's a distant father.
I: "Three generation streak. I'm calling your grandfather up and we're going gender affirming shopping, go get ready loser." And in the future will refer to herself, her father and the child as the T-slur trio. (im trans, trust)
D: I genuinely can't process a scenario where D has a singular kid. So…
T: "Congrats..?" Then would proceed to ask the most private questions ever.
Gi: Would need a few days to process, but will eventually be outwardly supportive.
C: "No." Least supportive parent energy ever. Also just anyone trans reminds him of W, and like.. he hates that.
Ar: Super supportive. Would call up W for support/suggestion as W is trans himself and has a trans daughter (I). Would buy his child whatever they wanted, and probably could be exploited a bit lmao.
Ge: "Yeah. Ok." Would say she's supportive but would be absolutely horrible with the transitioning period. Would constantly try to tell their child that it'd be better to transition later because that's what her 'best friend did.'
Z: "Do I have one not queer child or…"