forum POV for your characters: I ask if I am allowed to vent about my problems to your character
Started by @s0ft_stardust group

people_alt 102 followers

@aekv group

Tama: "Why, I'm honored, darling. Do you need anything before, water, a snack, a blanket? Would you like to go somewhere more private?"
Yonamine: "Sure, go ahead. I'm honored that you would come to me with your troubles."


(Idk names yet) assuming you are close to the ocs

Protagonist: yeah sire go ahead I'll see what I can do.

Fallen goddess: I will always listen to your prayers

Antagonist(pre redemption): no.

Antagonist(post redemption): I've been there. I'm here for you if you need anything at all.

Enchantress: mmhmm tell me what's wrong.

Cursed magician: hmm. Oh yeah what's up. I got your back.

Pirate scrunkly: oh? What do you want to talk about. I'm all ears sweetheart~


Melody: Oh, yeah, sure! What's going on, you okay? will listen to every word and sympathize with you
Lemon: Sure, why not. Listens to you and then walks away when your done
Lola: Sure, but I'll be doing something while you vent, but I swear I'm still listening. Listens while battle planning, gives advice after
Zach: I have enough problems myself. No, go away. If you try anyway, he'll just ignore you
Chase: Oh my gods totally! Will listen and then share his own trauma as if it's just a normal thing everyone goes through
Magma: Wait. Before you do, just a sec. Will get you a blanket, energy drink, or water depending on your pref, stuffed animal and then will sit down, knowing that there's a chance you might cry
Liane: Wait, why? Did someone do something to you? Do I need to kill someone?
Klaus: No, no, I have more important matters to attend to, get out of my sight! (If close) Okay, you have..checks time five minutes. Go on then, talk.
Strava: Hm, I dunno…okay fine…for a dollar holds out hand