forum POV: A child walks up to your character and ask "Are you my mama/dada?"
Started by @s0ft_stardust group

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Draven: gets down on eye-level and offers a timid smile "Are you okay?"
Ariah: grumbles something under her breath about not having time No, but I can- er, here, they'll help you find your parents" directs child to someone else, likely Isa
Isa: gently taking child's hand and shaking her head at Ariah "Oh hello, little one. I'm Isa. Are you looking for your parents? Here, why don't we find them together?" hoists child up on her hip
Griffin: "Nah, but here…" digs candy out of his pocket and give it to them, then realizes he has no idea what candy is safe for children and looks desperately around for help
Everan: "Hey, I'll help you find an officer and they'll know where to find your parents." pointedly ignores his brother (Griffin) mouthing questions at him, and also tries not to go into a philosophical monologue about parenting and villages and communities
Heva: "Um… Hey! No, no, don't touch that. Not my plants! Okay, Are you injured? checks with medical expertise "No? Good. Here, this is Ama, she'll take care of you."
Ama: Oh dearie. Here. This will help you feel better." pulls a big comfy blanket and muffins seemingly out of nowhere "You feel better. Okay, let's go find your parents. if no parents are found, she'll just keep them forever and ever
Emilie: rolls her eyes and plays around with child "Oh, you silly boy. You know I'm not your mama. also looks around for one of her many older siblings who are married with children Oh look, there's your mama! Let's go get them."

Ribba: waving her stuffed buffalo around Likely is the child.

Of course, this all changes if it's during the war….


Sasha: Come here. Let's find them. In the meantime, would you like me to sing for you while we look?
Child: Sure.
Sasha: Holds child in her arms, singing and rocking him/her. It's alright, we'll find your parents.
When Sasha finds the child's parents:
Sasha: Gives child her music box If you ever get scared or think someone might hurt you, or even if you're just lonely, open it. I'll protect you and be there for you, always, even when you can't see me or hear my voice. Especially then. Waves. Goodbye. Maybe we'll see each other again. Hopefully under better conditions.


Aideen: Uh-no…but I can help you find them!
amy (the most wonderful woman in the world): No…ask someone else maybe?
Unknown: Yes, I am your father (is not the father) come with me, I shall take you with me. (burns the child)

@Leo_Darling group

Leo: he would gently pick up the child and hold them Why, I'd be glad to help you find your mama, dearest! He seemed so happy and upbeat for the child
Ghost: he would just stare down at the child till they left…

@Itzkitty group

Donny: Not again…
Solaris: Awww. No, but let's find them
Lunaris: Snactch
Jonny: No, but I am now
Mia: You're adorable, I'll take care of you
Mark: Uhhhhhh
Dennis: Nope Disappears like the kid's parents
Max: Yes, yes I am.
Cash: Gasp Free child….
Yui: Do you want me to be?
Chloe: Oh dear, are you lost? Let's find your parents.
Ruth: Ha. No.
Dake: Child…must…..protect..
Danny: Sacrifice? Sees adorable child No sacrifice.. steals child
Nathen: ………………………. yes.


Child: are you my mama?
Guardian: no, but I’ll help you find her. And by the way, I’m not a boy or a girl. So I’d be a renny.
Child: ohh okay

they find the kid’s parents, everything is fine.

@another_Sarcastic_writer group

Savannah: throws her hands up exasperation and storms away from the child, cursing in spanish
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer): no but I'll help you look!
Paris: I better not be or else we are going to have some serious issues
Sammy: Sorry kiddo, but we can look together proceeds to find parents and lecture them on their parenting style
Jamie: I HaVe A cHiLd?! oh god how old are you? how much child support do I owe your mother…omg im a deadbeat dad
Paris: Jamie, you're 13
Savannah: forget his age, he's gay!

Carlos: looks around, frantically where did you come from? this is a desert!
Amarya: um no but they might be around here somewhere
Carmen: oh you lost your parents? Oh here, let me help you
Lenna: I need an adult to handle this Carlos saying she's 21 I need a more adultier adult
Ashlynn: has rbf so the kid doesn't even try
Navin:….i have that same shirt

@BakingAMessUp group

Annabell: I hope not runs away from child
James: Kicks the child out of fear
Cass: No proceeds to threaten child and ask them why they would think that
Lucia: No darling, I am not


Beathony: "DO I LOOK LIKE YO-
Evan: "um… I'm 17…"
Wander: "new child for the basement heheheheh,"

Deleted user

Caroline: I'm… not your mother…. I'm 13…
Xavier: Don't worry, I'll help you find you mother/father! But I know I'm not your father because I'm still a virgin…
Sophia: I'll help you find them! Gets lost looking for child's parents
Seth: I'm already a father figure for one child, I'm not gonna be a father figure for another.
Neveah: Oh, I'm not your mother, hun. Puts kid on her shoulders. Can you see your mama/papa from here?
Jordan: spits out drink because child called her 'papa' instead of 'mama' DO I LOOK LIKE-


W: Looks around him for literally anyone to save him from the conversation. "Naw, I'm no mate." A long dramatic pause, and if nobody returns. "You need one like?" But under every circumstance will refuse to adopt the child but instead find someone suitable.
An: "Ew."
L: Ignores. If the child persists then he'll proceed to kick the child.
I: Mockingly. "Are you my dada? Yeah of course not, you blind?"
D: Disappears.
T: "I'm legit 5. Want to make potions?" Then proceeds to tutor the child on potions. Yes, T is a Young Sheldon.
Gi: "Oh hell no!" Walks away, trying to find one of her dads.
C: Trauma inducing glare. "Go away."
Ar: "Awh…" He painfully kneels down to reach the child's level. "No, I'm not, but do you want to find your mummy?" But as soon as the child sees A's face, they cry and run away due to it being THAT horrific.
Ge: "Pft. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No." This is continuous until.. "You want a mum?"
Z: "No."