I'll try to help! I'll be super picky, so sorry if it sounds a little harsh.
Age: Okay, number 1! So they look like they're 19, but how old are they really? How long since they were first created?
Other Names: Maybe explain how "Siren 1" and "Siren 2" are they're other names.
Role: I feel like that might be more of their occupation then their role, what's their role in the story? Protagonist, supporting character, side character, or are they more like an item, such as a computer or library. Something that helps the protagonist along the but aren't really people.
Identifying marks: None? Not at all? Do they have in-humanly perfect skin? Do they look human, or can you see non-natural materials if you look close enough? Heck, their eyes could be put in that section as well since you specified they're "artificial." Think outside the box of birthmarks and freckles, and more just identifying features in general!
Body Type: Slim, that's fine, but are they're hips very defining? What about they're bust size? A person can be slim but still have curves, so maybe specify if you'd like!
Personality Type: Maybe add a little more detail?? Yes, they're extroverted, but what else? You said they're bubbly right? So put that in there! Are they talkative and welcoming? Extreme party animals? Do they prefer to be followers or take charge? Loud or quiet? You said they'e programmed to be like that, so is it actually feeling and personality or just an illusion? If they can actually experience those emotions, are they programmed to feel others as well? Confusion, anger, sadness, love? Do they know they're androids? Do ever envy humanity?
Hobbies: Only those two? And by social media, do you mean browsing it, or running they're own sites and accounts? Are they programmed to do these things, or can they actually experience enjoyment and like doing these activities?
Talents: Are they talented at these things do to programming? Do they ever mess up or are unable to make mistakes?
Prejudices: These don't necessarily have to be subjects as big as racism or homophobia, but seeing as they're androids there must be something! Maybe they view humanity as the same? Perhaps due to history and the nature of humans they don't believe world peace can ever be established, or maybe they believe they're better in some way because they can't experience anger or hatred.
Flaws: Like personality, add a couple more details! Explain how they're naive, as androids can they not pick up on cues, like flirting or shady behavior? People have tons of flaws so don't be afraid to go crazy! Or at least explain why they have so little.
Motivations: So they can have fun? Is that there prime directive, can they not have any other motivations besides that? Do they care for/are motivated by each other? What about they're work and/or hobbies?
Mannerisms: These are a little bit more like personality traits than mannerisms, maybe they act friendly by the way they smile widely and passionately shake the hands of everyone they meet? When they walk they add little jumps or skips in they're steps, or perhaps dance whenever there's the slightest hint of music. Do they walk or move robotic-ly? Do they blink? Or are they so natural you wouldn't even be able to tell they're not human?
Background: Maybe go into a little more detail? Who created them, how they got their jobs, did they have a choice in the matter, we're they the first androids ever built, Or are they're many more like them?
All in all, I think really deciding how human they exactly are is the main focus! They're feelings and relationships, especially with each other. Is it ever weird being exactly like your sister? Do they get treated as one person, and does that bother them? I really like the two though, and finding robot characters that aren't icy/emotionless is very interesting! Hope I helped!