Well, um they're aware that I made them especially Megan.
Hunter: "WHY DID YOU KILL HER!!???? I-I LOVED HER! And also why am I ginger?"
Me: She was hard to write and annoying. Value your moments with her. One day there may be fanfics. About the ginger thing, you're slightly based off of my crush.
Bryan: "Please, bring back my sister. Hunter needs her, I need her."
Me: I know, i'm sorry. It had to be done.
James: "Okay, why the ** did you kill my whole family??? You knew it'd break me! Why?!?"
Me: I wanted to break you.
Sycore: Takes out saw
Me: Nope.
Megan: "Yo homie! Did Sycore and the power of the Amulets escape into other worlds?"
Me: No, copyright claims stopped him.
Tom: Can I please have my eye back?
Me: No, I've gotten quite a few compliments about that. You are very unique and your my favorite
Diami (Sarah): "Can I see my brother and not get killed?"
Me: Last time I saw him he was quite upset, so I don't think seeing him is a good idea.
Ember: Why do you look like me, was i based off of you? And also it was a great plot despite the fact that I died."
Me: Correction, you're the prettier version of me. And also thank you, it took years for it to have a real plot!
Hicia: Why does my boyfriend have anger issues?"
Me: It makes him a better villain, don't worry after he was freed in book three his anger disappeared.
Audra: Why did you make me think James was dead! You broke my heart!"
Me: It was a plot twist. Be grateful you have him now.
Birane: "Hi."
Me: Hi