forum oH MAYBE I SHOULD DO THIS TOO {ask eos anything!} (and frantically figure out how to respond to my rps in a timely manner)
Started by @saor_illust school

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@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

I see, that makes sense. I'm sorry you had to go through that, fam :<
I'm still confused about the whole 'biased' thing though….the way you said it, it kinda sounded like you were an assassin and you were afraid having a crush on someone would hinder your ability to take out your targets x'D Not saying you are an assassin of course! That's just how my brain interpreted it lol

@saor_illust school

Yeah it's okay now, still a lingering fear though.

Haha, it's okay, yeah, I don't like to be biased just in case the person who I have a bias for decides to turn around and stab me in the back. I just like to always be alert and on my toes, just in case.

@saor_illust school

Jeans and a shirt, as long as it isn't leaning too much towards feminine or masculine. Pretty basic, helps a bit with the misgendering issue.

@saor_illust school

No haha, I'm a bit too young for that. Hmm, it really depends on my mood. Speeding up is more risky, while slowing down is safer. I'd say that if I weren't in a rush or feeling bad I'd take the safer route.