forum NaNoWriMo Characters?
Started by @Snowmirror

people_alt 4 followers


I'm curious, if you're participating in NaNoWriMo this year, what are your characters for your story? Why did you choose them for NaNo, rather than writing them at a leisurely pace over the year? Were they written specifically for NaNo, or an old story finally getting to see the light of day? Feel free to link them! I'm kind of eager to get to know new characters without going back to the character critiques I normally do.

@HighPockets group

I'm going to try working on my main story since I haven't written any scenes for it except like 3 and they could be better written tbh. I've already characterized and plotlined, but I haven't written yet.


@jyandor Can I ask what your main story is about? And do you know if you're aiming for just 50k, or more? I've seen some people do 100k every month. It's kind of frightening lol

@HighPockets group

Honestly it's hard to explain. It's a bit of a war story, a bit of a romance, a bit of dystopia, friendship, adventure, etc. I'm aiming for as high as I can.