forum name impressions
Started by @Lupout

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These are members of a popular friend group at my character's high school. What personalities do you picture for them
Maddie Fitzgerald
Hannah Waters
Evelyn (Evvy) Blaire
Anna Cervantes


For Maddie Fitzgerald, I picture freckles and fun. She seems like the type of girl to coordinate group hangouts with her friends while laughing at a picture on her phone and making the occasional snide remark. Her laugh would be like the tinkling of a bell. I think she would be socially smart if not book smart.
For Hannah Waters, I picture loud laughing and an overall big personality. She's naturally a performer and loves drama. She seems to be the type that enjoys spreading rumors and gossip just to see the reactions on people's face. Though she can be mean, she's also protective of people she's close to.
For Evelyn (Evvy) Blaire, I think of a charming smile and perfect grades. She seems like she's perfect both in school and out. It's almost like she's not real. The only people that really know her are the people she's close to, and she feels most at ease around those people. Though she's not an introvert she'd rather be alone than with a lot of people.
For Anna Cervantes, I think of a perfect hourglass figure with a cute face and wide eyes. She has a type of maternal compassion for everyone she meets, but she can also turn around and be ice cold after meeting you. You never really know her until you grow really close to her and then she can be "clingy". She's sensitive and doesn't like it when her friends fight. Everybody in the group sticks up for her.
I hope this gave you some insight!