Hi guys! I'm looking for unusual boy names that mean "peace" or something of that nature. The name that this character has now doesn't suit him.
For some reference:
He is a tall red-head who strives for peace and is the calmest of his siblings. He'd rather hug it out than fight it out. He has a twin brother named Noah.
Thanks in advance!
Pax in Latin means peace. I don't know about a name but that could be a nickname.
Paz in Portuguese is peace and
rauha is peace in Finnish
Tsukiya means moon and to be in Japanese.
Galen in Irish means tranquil, and in Greek mean calm/calming. :)
look at behindthename.com
it's helped me a lot with finding names
Paix means peace in French, but i would go with Pax like @TiredOtter I just think that would make a really cool name
hope this helps
peace in Dutch is vrede. Maybe that is a nice name for your character.
Wow thanks so much guys! All of your suggestions have really helped me out! And after testing them out: I have his name narrowed to Zander, Tsukiya, Galen, and Pax. I loved all the names that were suggested, these ones just fit best with the rest of the names in my story.
Thanks Again for everyone who helped pick names!