the fact that my name (which was pretty uncommon when I was born, and is less uncommon now but still uncommon) has been mentioned multiple times above is slightly unnerving haha, I'm not used to it being used not in reference to me. some character names that I adore are Arcadia, Nimue, and Medea, but I wouldn't use the three in the same story, or any other names that are as old and unused as those with them, unless you're writing fantasy. Corona is also really pretty. I also, personally, like to give characters names that are either slightly uncommon but not over-the-top, or common names with more unusual nicknames, or giving unusual names more common nicknames.
Nameberry is also an amazing resource - anybody who goes through your search history will probably think you're pregnant, but that's okay. It has all sorts of names, along with their popularities, backgrounds, possible nicknames, and more.