forum Most ____ character
Started by @Starfast group

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@larcenistarsonist group

Sparrow alfjkdks Thad is sick of getting wrapped in tinsil

most likely to be really good at ballroom dancing, absolutely perfectly elegant on the floor, and then trip on air when leaving the dance floor

@lemon-gummy group


Most likely to binge watch conspiracy theory videos on Youtube for hours on end?

liz's mom

most likely to dress in a halloween costume for elementary picture day?

@keighty emoji_events

enid. she is a child after all

most likely to go out of their way to walk through their favorite stairwell in school, even if it means being ten minutes late to class?

@lemon-gummy group


Most likely to bake a pie that ends up looking like an old man's face?


most likely to get very frustrated playing casual games/ board games?

@lemon-gummy group

haha im here again

page and liz competitively

most likely to go trick or treating and pour the entire "take one" bowl into their basket but in front of the person giving it out

Deleted user

Riley for sure

Most likely to eat toothpaste, and not only that but use it as a condiment The horror!

@lemon-gummy group

definitely pip.

most likely to start a rap battle w someone


most likely to say "love you" to a cashier/waiter as they leave a store/resturaunt (on purpose or not)

@Cadeverek group

Definetely Seiji, like, he does this extremely contantly despite not being a germophobe.

Most likely to literally get mad (I'm talking tears and all type of mad) at someone else for saying "hi" while they were going through a bad day?

@lemon-gummy group

frances, then punch them. if they didn't get mad then clove, then would wave them off and keep walking.

most likely to stare at someone then if they look back they keep staring

@s0ft_stardust group

Tiara or Yumi, Tiara just won't show up and Yumi would have forgot

Most likely to threaten to punt a child to the sun for shits and giggles?