forum Most ____ character
Started by @Starfast group

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Alice. 'Nuff said.

Most likely to put acryllic paints in paintball things?

@s0ft_stardust group

Yumi, he use to live in the ocean and would buy it to feel less home sick

Most likely to pay for a full on funeral service for there pet. and i mean the most expensive treatment they couldn't even afford.

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Grins Definitely Cassandra. The artsy goth girl, lol!

Most likely to a veteran of the Goose Army?

@s0ft_stardust group

Moxxie … They're a god damn clown so that would fit them
Also I like Cassandra, Cassandra seems poggers

Most likely to own more hoodies than any other piece of clothing

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Again, Cassandra. She's just that type of person.

Most likely to wear a sweatshirt without a shirt underneath?

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Shade. Just… Shade.

Most likely to rob a PetSmart and take all the animals?

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Uh… literally most of my characters, the two most likely ones being Alice, Shade and Sadie.

Most likely to buy all the fish from every pet store they find?

@Cadeverek group

100% Marylinn, she fits these aesthetics pretty well but eh, I don't think they would have let her do that in the army lmao

Most likely to be really, reeeeeeeaaally into "iceberg explained" videos?

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Jayliana: Most likely to outsmart bad guys just by using logic :)

@shining-just-for-you language

Brainiac. That or she'd try to EXPLAIN her logic and just bore the baddie to sleep

Most likely to be threatened with death, only to say, "Not today. I've always wanted to die on a Thursday. Come back then"

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Cassandra, lol. She's just that sort of person.

Most likely to call someones bluff and then defy the odds and manage to make it seem truly like a bluff?

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@Blessed-and-luckless Amen. Or if we're being totally honest here, if the baddies didn't listen, she'd probably get so annoyed that she'd kick their butts for a mere threat

@larcenistarsonist group

Most likely to call someones bluff and then defy the odds and manage to make it seem truly like a bluff?

Felix probably bc he's a world champ poker player AND assassin on the side a;lsdkfj

Most likely to get platform boots bc they were irritated their friend was an inch taller than them

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Cassandra. She a short girl. She'd wear 5-inch stiletto heels if she could manage them, lol.

Most likely to paint their clothing with acryllic paints?