forum Most ____ character
Started by @Starfast group

people_alt 146 followers

@Fenris-Wolf group

Not sure what you mean by summoning an Ikea… but I'm just gonna say Luca, cause I feel like he'd someone how find a way to summon one.

Most likely to play a song continuously on loop for days until they finally get tired of it, only to do the same thing to the next song they like?

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Most likely to memorize all the Phineas and Ferb songs for the sole purpose of trolling


most likely to get hospitalized for something incredibly stupid

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also knox

most likely to die in the coolest way and brag about it

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most likely to fly to __insert place__ on impulse, snap a selfie and fly back the same day

@Starfast group

I feel like this would probably be Ella, but she probably would just teleport instead of flying.

Most likely to go completely over the top with their Halloween costume

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most likely to invent a superstition and involve the whole town/neighbourhood in the fake superstition

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most likely to immunize themselves to the most deadly poison in the world because of paranoia