forum Interesting permanent injuries to give a character?
Started by @Becfromthedead group

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(yea… don't worry about it too much though. I know I don't!)

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(anyways, i should prbly get to bed soon. i'll definitely be on monday. it was nice talking with you!)

@trainwreck404 group

ooh wait i have some permanent/semi-permanent injuries & mental damage stuff, cuz i'm working on a superhero story so they get hurt all the time.

CJ has a prosthetic arm. While they managed to survive the people that killed their brother, they did lose their arm in the process. They have managed to make a very fancy prosthetic with the help of Simon, Dean, and a 3D printer that works with their powers rather than against them.
Logan has a severe case of PTSD due to a long-term emotionally abusive relationship, which was not at all helped by the fact that said abusive partner had mind-control powers. He's still recovering from some of the shit she put in his brain. He also is blind in his left eye (right eye when you view him) because of a knife accident.
Dean is hard of hearing, which was partially something he was born with, but some of the abuse he went through as a kid definitely didn't help. He wears hearing aids, but he does use his disability to his advantage, because if he can't hear Madeline talk, she can't use her powers on him. He also works with guns, so not being able to hear deafening gunshots all the time is nice.
Ava, like Logan, has severe PTSD due to a long-term abusive relationship. Her partner did not have mind-control powers, although he still found plenty of ways to hurt her physically, emotionally, and sexually. She also has large angel wings that slowly got darker in color and more wilted the longer she was being abused. She is also still recovering and she's slowly nursing her wings back to health, but her current partner is helping her through it.
Peter also has PTSD from a long-term abusive relationship, this time with the same mind control partner that Logan had. He recently got out of it, and he somehow has even more mental damage and is not having a good time trying to break out of forced habits.

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3rd degree burn by FIRE!! One of my characters is going to get this ugly scar that causes permanent nerve damage and loss.