Hi! Can someone help me fix up mt character? She isn't to detailed right now and I would like some help making her more detailed. Thank you!
its a private character. make it public and i'll try and help you out
oke, so notes:
- Behold! The tool for guessing weight someone once recommended to me! https://www.calculator.net/ideal-weight-calculator.html?ctype=metric&cage=22&csex=f&cheightfeet=5&cheightinch=10&cheightmeter=156&printit=0&x=53&y=23
- With the body type, you might want to mention how athletic they are. Do they look like they could run a good while? Or are they more of a scrawny little person that'd drop to the floor after five minutes? Body types like rectangular and hourglass are easy but it doesn't tell much about a person other than the proportions of shoulders, waist and hip.
- Does she have other hobbies and talent besides athletics? note, hobbies and talents aren't necessarily the same
- Also, since they like sports and stuff I'm guessing they look muscular. What kind of muscular? Is everything trained equally or is one area especially well developed?
- mannerisms are reactions to things that are always sort of similar or small habits. like squalling at the sight of baby kittens or tapping your nails when waiting. In this case, I guess the question would be, how does she react when she sees frogs?
Out of curiosity: what do you mean with the house was assassinated? Was the house itself literally killed or just a lot of people living there?
- Eduction is high but she didn't try in school. So… she dropped out? Went to college early? Is she still in middle school?
over here she'd still be in middle school
Ignore or incorporate as much as you like. Overall she looks like an okay character btw.
Oh my gosh, thank you so much for this help!
Sorry my friend stole my iPad 🙄