forum I'll critique characters for you :) [CLOSED]
Started by @stolenbrocoli group

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@stolenbrocoli group

@WoodlandCryptid ‘s Angel

nature- honestly, all i can say about this is that it’s extremely sparse. There’s just not much to go on:/
social- also extremely sparse. Like i’ve said previously, get his political and religious views down
There’s not much i can say here considering i don’t have much to go on. But i’d be happy to take a look when you get him more developed !

@stolenbrocoli group

So i'm gonna close this thread for now but i'm still gonna get everyone's critique's in. i just need some time to catch up with everything without new requests flowing in lol.

@stolenbrocoli group

@Guapeton ‘s Jay

overview- so what i notice right away is the ‘unknowns’. Even though it’s unknown in the story doesn’t mean it should be unknown to you ! try to get his age and race down once you figure it out.
nature- why does food and his “family” motivate him? Get deeper into that. He HAS to have more flaws than his mental instability and depression. I honestly don’t think those should really count as flaws. Maybe keep it to the conditions category and possible explain how these conditions affect him, his life, his job, relationships, etc. And this one isn’t a need, more of a suggestion (well ig all of this is merely suggestions) but create a new category for fears in the nature tab? That way you have a space to write abt his fear of losing control and how it affects him. But really, get some more flaws down, even if they’re small. We’ve all got them and they aren’t always rooted in bad mental health. I don’t think his prejudice against people who have committed sexual assault needs to be explained, but how about prejudice against children and animals? How does his depression and other mental disorders affect his hobbies?
social- he HAS to have some kind of political views. Everyone does, even if they don’t know anything about politics. And if he TRULY doesn’t, explain why. If he has a prejudice against animals and children, why does he like all animals and is a teacher? Also what kind of teacher is he? And does he like his job?
history- even though it seems like he doesn’t know his date of birth, it’s still important for you to know it. Also why is he so smart if he doesn’t have any education past high school. And if he doesn’t have any education after high school, how is he a teacher? Unless he isn’t an academic teacher? Also, MORE TO HIS BACKGROUND!! PLEASE! There’s practically nothing there. What was his childhood like? Did he even have a childhood? Is he some kind of robot? How did he feel when he got diagnosed with everything? Has he gotten diagnosed? Pleaseeeeeee add MORE!!!
note- easy going should probably go in his personality type.
overall, this was a pretty good character, there's just some things you could go more in depth about.