forum I can Suggest Character Names :)
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 2 followers


Well,it's just what the title says,I can help give inspiraton for a character name,and you can give inspiration to others,too. On that note,does anyone have a polite term for a person with dwarfism? I also need a name. :)


I dont have inspirations for any names so its pretty cool for me to be in this group. Thx


After some light research, I found that most known terms are acceptable, including dwarf, but it depends on the person. As long as you don't use "mdgt", then you should be ok. If I had to give any advice on the matter, I'd say to only describe that character as a little person when strictly necessary, and then just refer to them as you would all your other characters with their name or other attributes.