forum I can make a moodboard for you? [currently closed]
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

You may have seen my post about taking a break. I hope that you may have also seen that I am indeed planning on completing your moodboards @myosotis and @I-make-stuff. my last assessment for the immediate future is due tomorrow, and then i have three free days (by free i mean no homework or anything, i still have school). i then have school holidays for three weeks, but i wouldn't be surprised if i got them done by friday (it honestly doesn't take too long to do them, i just need to find the time to sit down and do them).

Deleted user

And here you go! (they're both on the same link. I hope you guys like them!

And I won't be doing any moodboards for a little while, just for people who may have been eyeing this thread. Give it a few months and maybe, but not right now.