forum How would your characters react to a Karen screaming at them, and what would the Karen be screaming about?
Started by @the-void-phantasmic language

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@im-with-stoopid pets

(Ok, so- would it be something a Karen from their universe would be complaining about or a regular old modern-day Karen? Big difference in my case.)

Deleted user

(I'll edit as I think of more. ;D Anyway, enjoy the Personality Sprites so far…)

Anii Avery Nno On-ne: Prolly match her attitude and annoy her 'till she shuts up, or if he's feeling chill he'll just calmly counterattack and record lol.

Gomen Nasaii: Apologize greatly, sob and lock herself in her room for a day and a half. (still sobbing)

Suii Cii-dal: Only one word… MuRdEr!!! Nah, but seriously, she'd go fully insane and physically attack them bc why not. It's fun.

Yurei Shizukana: Frantically hand sign to the person (ASL) or write in her notebook (she's aphonic (mute)) until she just gives up and leaves. She'll also record and report the Karen to any authorities present.

@im-with-stoopid pets

Ok so- I've got a few different version of Nav depending on what point of time in the story he's from, so:

First Series Arc:
If a Karen was yelling at Naveil, he'd react with violence. Because Karens are typically all talk, Naveil would most likely leave the confrontation with blood on his clothes and a smug-ass grin on his face.
A few of the things Naveil would be yelled at for include: general uncleanliness, eating stuff raw, wearing animal hides, and aggression towards anything that breathes.

Second Series Arc:
If a Karen was yelling at Naveil, he'd try to distance himself from the situation before he lashed out. Because Karens tend to push their luck when it comes to the "fuck around and find out" equation, Naveil would have a tough time not knocking someone's teeth out.
Some of the things Naveil would be yelled at for include: general uncleanliness (again), eating stuff raw (again), wearing animal hides (again), and general lack social ability

@Eli-the-transboi group


Kathy would resort to violence depending on what the Karen says. But ik what the Karen would be complaining about. She'd be preaching that you can't be trans. So…what would Kathy do? Kill. Murder.


@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Charlie: Very politely Ma'am, can we just skip to the part where you call the cops? Thanks. waits patiently for the cops, ignoring her verbal abuse Hello, officer. flashes his badge with a big smile Yes, I outrank you. Arrest her please. smiles politely as Karen is handcuffed for disturbing the peace, and then resisting arrest

Johnny: panicking No, wait, I swear, I'm not a bad person! reacts without realizing it when she gets in his space, and breaks her neck with military efficiency Oh, you gotta be kidding me, again??

Valiel: shapeshifts into a copy of the Karen This is you. This is what you look like. Do you see yourself right now? Pathetic. Completely pathetic.

@another_Sarcastic_writer group

*karen screaming racist things at ocs *

Sammy: glares as he flips them off

savannah: smiles as she speaks in Spanish keep it up and they'll never find your body. I will use you corpse as target practice, impaling you with so many knives that you look like a porcupine. then I might consider carving my initials into your skin before dumping your unrecognizable body on your family's front porch. I will- sammy's hand covers her mouth

Paris: its depressing to think you are someone's ancestor….guess it's time to end the bloodline


I’m just doing my favorite character (The Guardian Star.)

Guardian would probably just say how disappointed in the Karen they are (remember, they created humanity in my universe) and look at her like a disappointed mom. As for what the Karen would be yelling about, let’s just say the Karen is probably transphobic.

@Luvuboo_xoxo group

Jordan (karen screaming about how she was calling her friend of bunch of slurs [as a joke]) Oh, so you want some of this heat!? Fine! Begins to say every single slur she knows


A gaggle of Karens and Kens make a stink because the veterans' support group which Naomi and CJ were in went overtime by less than a minute when they had the time reserved after. When it finally wrapped up: the ringleader decided to extend said stink into nasty remarks about how Naomi doesn't hide her prosthetic leg or premature gray, and how CJ chose that day to wear a rude or lewd shirt. (Let's presume "lewd." It's relevant to his achillean inclinations having an attached "type.")

Naomi: "Let's see your service record, bitch."
CJ: "If it's so offensive: why had you so obviously looked it up beforehand? Perv."

Brandee's truck was not over the line, despite the parking space being a bit narrow for it. Nonetheless: some Ken swung a bit wrong coming in, clipped the truck, and scratched the paint job on his fancy car. So he stormed into the business and got into a huff about that horrible ratrod that's probably not even street-legal being over the line.

Only he made a serious mistake: while squealing on Brandee to store management, he called Rocinante a "bro truck." And then, he repeated it in front of her.

Brandee: "Excuse you? That is a performance vehicle. Don't believe it: you, me, mud-bogging. Hell, you can even bring a truck instead of the overpriced midlife-crisis-mobile that you drove in. Unless you're scared, that is."

Kieron had to take a commercial flight somewhere, because his friend who's a charter pilot was otherwise occupied. Some sadist stuck him in a middle seat…and the Karen had the window seat. And she kept making excuses to get up; needed to pee, needed to fix her hair because it was getting all disheveled from being in such a confined space, needed to complain to everyone on the flight crew who would listen about getting seated next to some absolute behemoth.

Kieron is very apologetic and as accommodating as possible. It's all the more of a confined space for him, after all; and he's generally non-confrontational, which is what got him stuck in a middle seat in the first place. It's actually the Karen's antics that result in him getting moved into first class at no additional charge.