In my Warriors fanfiction, I'm having one of the characters be psychopathic. One of the lines from the story is this: "The monstrous cat looked at him with a glare in his amber eyes that made Swiftpaw wonder how many animals the huge rogue killed. But the grin on his face made Swiftpaw realize that he himself has probably lost count of them all." I'm trying to figure out why White Eagle is such a psychopath aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
A great video of understanding how psychopathy begins and the type of behavior linked with it. Other information would be that 60% of psychopathy is heritable. Most people are just 'that way'. While having many psychological issues, the person can still form high education and have a good career, unlike sociopaths. They are highly manipulative, completely unable to form personal attachments, take calculated risks, participate in freud schemes, and minimize evidence. A psychopath will suffer from antisocial personality disorder, lack empathy, disregard social rules and behavior standards, fail to feel remorse or guilt, and can become violent. Psychopaths make up 1% of the general population, which is 3% less than sociopaths. Also, you've requested art from me so please either inbox or email me with the details!
Make sure not to just make them “crazy” or blandly “psychopathic”. Most psychotic people tend to have reasoning and in there mind all is right with their ways, it’s just soemthing they do. They’ll have actual psychological disorders or damage (the brain defects can be from things like trauma, tragities like car crashes or brain tumors, and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) or have influences from early stages of life. Most believe what they’re doing is right and just and that they’re the ones who are doing the good thing.