@Mojack group
Interesting idea I had — how do your characters recover from their injuries? Feel free to use specific examples in their stories, and infodump as much as you want.
Some characters are more reluctant in accepting their injuries. Do they go to a hospital, or do they have someone else? Are they their own doctor?
For first example, my character Robi Kabin, along with some character background.
A D type mutant from my universe, Hunters in Chains. At a young age, he was given the Blood of Eorr and trained into becoming a walking weapon, although within his mid twenties began to question and pull away from his organization, beginning to realize that maybe they didn’t have his best interests in mind.
As a mutant, Robi’s pain tolerance is greatly increased, but he can still suffer injuries. His regeneration is also increased, allowing him to survive things that most people can’t (can regenerate missing organs, limbs, etc. it is not instant and takes a lot of energy; most mutants who make these large regenerations also spend a lot of time sleeping during or after the fact)
Robi’s worst injury was getting shot in the head, which likely should have killed him - kn fact it was a near death experience. In his world, mutants possess the ability to ‘lose themselves’ aka become mindless individuals who’s only goal is to hunt and kill, regardless of that person’s status (former ally? you’re food now). A scary fact is that the Blood of Eorr, once injected into the body does slowly begin to degrade one’s mind, some strains (such as the Animalia strain) faster than others. (Hence why most mutants don’t live full lives). Robi became dangerously close to crossing this line of degradation, as enough of his brain had been damaged during this occurrence. Perhaps it was a stroke of luck or plot armour something else, but Robi survived as the virus took control of his body, puppeteering it to a safer location.
From this, it allowed Robi to regenerate in a very long sleep. However, he didn’t fully regenerate - his left eye did not return due to the anti mutant weaponry reaching deeply in that specific spot. Therefore, Robi had to learn to live with only one eye left.
Additionally, these injuries have their cost, also pushing the host even closer to total mind degradation.
Because of his self regeneration abilities, Robi rarely ‘sees anyone’ for his wounds. Having his eye not regenerate was one of the first times he actually had to see someone, and that terrified him more than he’d like to admit. He’s not one to ask for assistance or admit failure (don’t take him as arrogant, though - that aspect is due to his background, being taught he must not fail.)
In summary, Robi recovers better than most people due to biological reasons. He’s very aware of his injuries when acquired, and does pay his own attention to them (but doesn’t really like other people noticing them).