forum How do you write boy characters...? 😂
Started by @lonnielei

people_alt 3 followers


So I’m writing a musical right now and I’ve gotten this sudden burst of inspiration for a love song at the moment. Basically the scene is that a girl got in a fight with her parents and caught them badmouthing her under their breath, so she runs to her room and cries. Her boyfriend and his family live in hiding with the girl’s family right now, so he goes to comfort her and opens up to her that when he first met her he HATED her because she was so childish and annoying but now he sees beyond that and loves her with every piece of his adolescent heart. All the boy characters I write are overly sensitive and sweet, but I’d like this character to be a bit more realistic. Any tips anyone has for me will be gratefully accepted.

@Mark_Is_Male group

Well, most boys I know don't open up right away, maybe have him kind of awkwardly look for a way to comfort her, and then maybe have him like…maybe have him just like stumble over his words, like "Yeah um I kinda I just…" and then just have him bluntly say "I hated you" and like kinda make him freak out like Oh shiz, didn't mean to say that..came out totally wrong… and then as he explains it, maybe have him lose himself in what he's saying, most guys I know, when they are really passionate about something (Or someone) they will just lose themselves in trying to explain how that subject makes him feel. Just another thing, when they are trying to comfort another person, they kinda just try and make you feel better by joking around with everything.
Maybe if you told me more about this guy I could help..but from personal experience this is just the way other guys I know act..