forum Horse Name ideas?
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people_alt 56 followers

Deleted user

So, I'm writing a story about a horse, but I don't know any good horse names. Does anyone have name ideas for a chestnut mare?


Plant names are always my go-to when naming animals! (god, that sounds so weird out loud.) I suggest looking up flower or tree names, even if you don't like them you could also make up some names inspired by them. How about Sorrel, Umber, or Rowan?

The website is also infinitely helpful, I'm sure they have a horse name generator somewhere.

Deleted user

Thanks! Wait, you have horses? LUCKY! What do you think of Penny?

Deleted user

Thanks! Wait, you have horses? LUCKY! What do you think of Penny?

Technically their my parent's, but yep!
Penny's a perfect name! Especially for a chestnut horse! With the name like Penny, I get the feeling the horse is sweet and happy-go-lucky, and perfect around kids.

Deleted user

@Stone_King_2931, yeah…but that's kind of the problem. I wanted her to be sweet, but also wild hearted. I mean, she's fine with captivity, but even in a pen, she is lively, and wild.

Deleted user

@Stone_King_2931, yeah…but that's kind of the problem. I wanted her to be sweet, but also wild hearted. I mean, she's fine with captivity, but even in a pen, she is lively, and wild.

Ah, so she's sort of like Ginger after she meets Black Beauty.

Deleted user

Ouch! I read Black Beatuy when I was little, but I don't remember any of the characters, XD I think I found a name! Sunfire? Sun for short!

Deleted user

Oo, yes! That's a nice name!
The Sun is comforting and warm, keeping the world alive and heated. The same with fire, however, fire sometimes pops and burns you if you aren’t careful. So, it fits a generally calm horse that sometimes acts out with spirit.